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Date: 06/26/24

Gender for today: Female
Title: black rose

(Some of it is inspired in tearsmith movie)

Modern Au


You have a bad relationship with Venti well, as a friend. While he thinks of you as his lover or more.
You hate how possesive he is, and its annoying you.


Its your third day at your school. Well, unfortunately. Venti also enrolled into the same school

You're in the car while chatting your friends on the phone.


Amber: Everyone! Who is excited to open their lockers!

Collei: (Seen)

This made you confused. 'what?'

You quickly looked at the calender to your phone to see what month it is. Your eye brows furrowed when you saw its not february.

'its not even valentines day. What the heck is going on?"

Typing: Huh? Whats with today?

Before you could even send the text message, you reached your stop.

M/N: Y/N, We're here.

You looked up and turned of your phone. You smiled at your mom and nodded.

"Thanks mom. See you late, Love u."

You opened the car door and hopped off. You clenched onto your bag strap tightly before walking towards the school entrance.

You suddenly saw Amber and Collei talking outside the school. They probably just arrived too.

You ran towards them with a smile on your face. "Amber! Collei!"

Their glance shifted towards you. They smiled back at you.
"Y/N! Whats up?"

Amber spoke in a joyful tone.

You huffed before placing your hand onto her shoulder. You shaked your head slightly.

"Amber. Whats up for today?"

Ambers eyes lit up in excitement. She probably loves this question.

"Well, todays the day for a person to put roses or flowers into their crushes locker!"

Collei stared at you with a doe and inoccent eyes before turning her gaze back to her phone.

You scoffed softly. "Surely, nobody is gonna place any roses or flowers in my locker."

Amber pouts at you. "What on earth are you talking about? I'm sure there will."

Amber wrapped her arm around yours before walking towards the school entrance and your lockers. Collei also follwed the both of you.

Once you guys reached your lockers. Amber started jumping in excitement. Collei opened her first. Collei rolled her eyes when she saw her locker with pink and blue flowers. She grabbed his harshly and gave them to Amber.

"Amber. Its all yours." She gently handed the flowers to Amber. Amber smiled at Collei widely when she gave her flowers.
"Aww... You're always like this. Alright! Its my turn to open!"

Amber took a slight step back in excitement before opening hers. She found one white rose.
"I wonder who always gave this to me.... Ah! Y/N its your turn to open yours!"

You rolled your eyes playfully. "Come on guys. I'm new, I'm sure nobody will-" You opened your locker quickly. By seeing a rose made you drop your bag. You slowly grabbed the rose gently.

Your eyebrows furrowed when you saw your rose... black.

"Oh my... I've never seen a black rose before." Amber spoke with an amused tone.

Collei leaned closer with a smirk on her face. "According to my research, a black rose is signifying a tormented and obsessive love. Its quite unique for someone to have that.... I think nobody else got a black rose before.."

"Weird. I wonder who gave it to you." Amber mumbled.

You clenched your fists tightly, tight enough to make it tremble in anger.

By just hearing Collei's words. You quickly knew it was Venti.

You shut your locker hard and picked up your bag, handing it to Amber. Amber and collei gasped when you slammed the locker hard.

When you started running towards Ventis classroom Amber shouted to get your attention.

You ignored Amber and continued to run towards Ventis classroom.

Luckily, he was first to arrive at class. You swang the door open and stomped your way to Ventis desk. You slammed the rose onto his desk and stared at him in the eyes.

"Is this yours? Huh? Why on earth would you give this to me."

Venti looked up at you with a smirk on his face. His cheeks started going pink when you finally got close to him.

"Ahh... YN, I was waiting for a flower coming from you!"

This made your blood boil. You grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer towards you.

"I have enough of your actions. Any last words before I beat the shit out of you." You glared at him, waiting for his response. You were expecting for him to be afraid but instead, he smiled at you. Your eyes twitched when you saw him blushing like a fucking maniac.

He leaned closer to you, making your foreheads to touch. "I will make you mine, Y/N... I own you. And, I saw our future! Finally being together"

When finally had the chance, he quickly kissed your lips deeply. He gripped onto your shoulders tightly, tight enough for you to groan in pain. You tried pulling yourself away from the kiss, by biting his lower lip.

Well fucker. He won't budge. He ignored the pain and continued to kiss you deeper and aggressively. He used his power to lock the doors and blurr the windows. (Idk what to call it since he doesn't have a vision)

"Fuck, princesss. Your lips taste like cherry." He pulled you towards him and made you sat on his lap. He slowly moved his hand down towards your thighs, squeezing them tightly. "I wonder how you taste like down here~"

You quickly tried to grab your weapon and use your vision on him. He quickly used his free hand to grab your wrists together. He leaned closer to your ear.

"Ah-ah... You are no match for me.




{Just wanna take this idea out of my mind.}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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