17th, June, 2024

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I'm honestly glad the school year is over but at the same time I'm kinda sad because my senior friends graduate and I probably won't stay in contact with any of them sense I usually prefer talking with them in school and I fucking hate using snapchat. It kinda hurts because I guess some of them helped when I felt like shit monthes ago. It makes me feel kind of glad I switched schools and got to meet them but I always took my relationships with them for granted idk. I never really spoken about this with them bc I'm embarrassed, especially with being asked if I'm sad the school year is over. I realized how I prefer talking with them then my online friends (besides one person) because they all seem to have a better life then me and I guess I always felt like they werent interested in what i had to say. Like one of my online friends, has a social life, friends, good grades and a loving family, and I saw she recently posted about her birthday and had all her friends come over. I wonder sometimes what's it like to have a life like that. Tbh I wish I could be someone else sometimes, and not have to feel neglected or alone, I really really just want to experience that, even if it's just for a day, I don't want to have to cry over this. But anyways, even though my irl friends may not understand me much, they were still there for me so yeah it sucks.

June 17th, 2024

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