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City of Mistral, Mistral

Lower Level Outskirts

August 9, 2020

Outside the city of Mistral, A small group of traveling Faunus were approaching the city to settle. Before they could approach any further, a gunshot was heard as a bullet struck a tree narrowly missing one of the Faunus's heads. They all turned to see a group of armed humans stepping out of the woods and bushes. They all pointed their weapons at the Faunus.

"Wait! Please! We don't want any trouble!" a Faunus with goat horns pleaded.

"You freaks came to the wrong city! Turn yourselves around and go back to where you came from!" one of the human supremacists demanded.

"We can't. Our settlement was wiped out by the Grimm. We have nowhere else to go!" a Faunus with horse hooves for feet replied.

Get the fuck out of here right now! We don't want your kind in this kingdom! They cause nothing but problems!" another human supremacist shouted.

"Please! Just leave us be!" a Faunus with a set of bear ears pleaded.

"You had your chance! Now you've lost it," another human supremacist said as he pointed his revolver at the Faunus.

Suddenly, a whip with small blades onto it shot out from some nearby bushes and wrapped around the man's wrist. As it was swiftly yanked back, the whip tightened around the man's wrist and the blade severed his hand off from his arm. The man drops to his knees screaming out in pain as everyone watches in shock. The whip retracted back into the bushes as everyone then turned their heads to the bushes. A figure stepped out of the bushes.

The figure was a boy wearing a pair of black pants and a matching long sleeve shirt, and silver armored knee pads and shoulder, a blood red sash tied around his waist, a brown sword holster strapped to his back, a light gray scarf wrapped around his neck, and a silver necklace under his scarf. He wore a pair of calf high boots with calves of the boots dark red and the forefeet of them were black with armor wrapped around the ankles, and four talon blades that ran down to the tips of his boots. His gloves were dark red with small metal pads resembling that of a skeleton's hand. He also wore a gray mask that covered his face with the exception of his messy, black hair. The mask has large black slanted eyes and a wide smiling mouth that was sewn shut.

The bladed whip he carried in his hand retracted into a dark red sword which he gave a couple twirls with it

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The bladed whip he carried in his hand retracted into a dark red sword which he gave a couple twirls with it.

"Who are you?!" one of the supremacists asked.

The boy stood in silence as he slowly tilted his head in response.

"I said, who the fuck are-" before he could finish repeating his question, a chain suddenly shot up at him and wrapped itself around his waist.

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