death of flowers, new for me, welcome home and linen sheets

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the news boy looks up at me

and calls from across the street,

'aye! heeray! heeray!'

'your own soldier's coming home from the dead.

welcome him home with freshly made bread,

a bouquet of flowers and linen sheets

your heart warming smile, and a kiss on the cheek

'they're coming home from the ending war! 

this resulted in a booming uproar,

i said to the boy with tears in my eyes,

my husband's dead, the boy looked shy.

i know that mam, but it ain't no prank.

he pointed behind me with his feet lank

crossed the street and there he sat.

his big goofy smile on his beautiful face.

madam, he said,

'your husband's me.'

my tears overflowed with new found joy,

it was a mistake, it was a Newfoundland boy.

'he had no family, so they took him in.

as he died, he had said he sinned.

he used my name, to get accepted into the war

he had a family, but they were poor.

he contributed to the loosing country,

and for that he lost his life.

do not be sad, he said he knew

i would have always come home to you.

he knew he'd die. he did not care,

he's my hero, and he's floating in air'

he said all this with a guilt stricken face,

but then he smiled and said to me,

'my love, you wanted a cottage yes?

i bought you one, and sold the house.

the deed has been done, 

there's no going back,

big green trees for me to hack.

water flowing in a stream.

big deer eyes looking in at me.

luscious fields full of wheat

forest full of evergreens

you'll love it there, 

full of air.'

then he put his hand on me

and over the bundle wrapped in small sheets.

the little gurgle bubbled up,

big blue eyes then showed up

tiny curls on top her head,

beautiful smile and then she said

her first new word, it was daddy,

he finished for her and said to me,

honey please, don't gotta leave it be,

honey please, will you marry me?

the news boy had fresh tears in his eyes

then he said, i've never cried.

we later found out his brother had died,

in the war where my lover had trying to hide.

now he's back with his new family

his beautiful daughter, him and me.

death of flowers, new for me, welcome home and linen sheetsWhere stories live. Discover now