Pulled you into a tight squeeze.

3 0 0

Ever since that accident over a decade ago, your mind had scrambled and erased most of your memories. All you could remember were the last bits of gut-wrenching pain in your abdomen and head as the light engulfed you whole before everything turned black.

With fucked up memories, fucked up social skills, and a fucked up body, you try to navigate through your life while not remembering a single thing up to the last time you felt pain.

While cleaning the attic of your grandmother's house, a mysterious box catches your attention. Muriel Claire, written on the top of the box.

How come grandma never gave you a package that's assigned to you?




How odd, the sun outdoors wasn't even enough to make you feel less creeped out after watching the tape that came along with this letter. It's 9:37 in the morning, the children inside your room watching old tapes from your box of clips of the past while playing with some vintage toys.

A cartoon plays on the screen of your grandmother's vintage TV, about colorful smiling animals or something.

"Oh, come on you guys! We're practically like... Family!" You hear the speaker blurt out, now that it mentioned family... You suddenly get reminded of your own.

Truth be told, you always thought they were a little off from the moment you met... Well, reunited, with them at the hospital.

You remember unrecognizable yet familiar faces that came rushing in, all with a worried look on their faces. Most of them were stained with tears, and dark eye bags were under those bright ember eyes that went well with their dark skin and matched the gold hanging on their wrists, ears, or necks.

The Claires, your adoptive, sweet, but rather mysterious family. A family... That always managed to keep your past, a secret from you.

You stare at the letter in your hands, then back at the kids sitting on your bed. Giggling at the cartoon about the doll with a floral scent...

Say, don't those old dolls go for thousands on Craigslist and, or, even on eBay?


And that's how you ended up here, in a jacket you brought on the way here and sweatpants you found in your cousin's closet, staring out the window of your van.

You could've just taken the old dolls in the box and called it a day but, something tempted you to get over to the factory yourself.

Who knows what the different kinds of treasures are awaiting inside? Old and abandoned, probably collecting dust too.

You turn your key, stopping the vehicle's engine as you take in a deep breath, right in front of you is the abandoned factory, its colors still bright even through the tinted glass windshield of your car.

Your leg restlessly bounces in place as you stare at the colorful structure. Your hands clench around the wheel, and you lean back against your seat, deciding whether to continue with your plan to go inside and investigate whatever happened to whoever sent that letter. Well, that's at least the second thing to check for, after you've found what you're actually after.

You frown, the creepiness of the tape couldn't even compare to this place. Your eyes glance at the letter peeking out of your pocket.

You didn't recall telling anyone you were headed here. Not Darius, not Andrew, not Aunt Laurel, and not even Tia. Just the fact you were going out to camp. It was stupid to lie, you know, but telling any of them your actual location might motivate them to do the same.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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