Chapter 1

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"Averie! Stop running of or you will get lost." I scold my daughter for the millionth time today. She is currently in the stage of thinking she is a fairy and thinks that everyone has to know that too, meaning running around the streets is her favourite thing. Unfortunately for her i don't want her to get ran over resulting in me scolding her again.

"but mummy i a faiwy." she mumbles with a big smile, her cheeks still flushed from the cold air.

"yes but fairy's need to stay with there mummies too otherwise who would keep them safe hmm?" i say in a childlike manner keeping my daughters creative imagination intact.

A small huff comes from the child making me laugh a little at how cute it is.
She gives up on protesting and instead grabs my hand with her own, her small fingers wrapping around two of mine as she is so small.

"can we get cake mummy." she asks skipping as she walks, her soft blonde curls flying around her face.
"yep i can buy you a cake if you be a good girl and listen." I say hoping for once she wont run around like a mad woman around the small cafe.

"Im always a good giwl!" she decides scrunching her face a little at the mere chance i thought she could be naughty.

Averie has never been naughty but she is very cheeky when she wants to be. Shes full of energy and sometimes decides she doesn't want to listen.

"whatever you say babe." i say leaning down and picking her up, sliding her onto my hip.
We cross the road, her head sitting comfortably in the crook of my neck as she plays with my blonde hair.

The cafe is just a 10 minute walk from our house so it didn't take long. We come here at least once a week, twice if i have the money which is rarely but i do what i have to.

My dad never cared about what happened to me so i got a job at a small book shop in town when i was 11. The woman who runs it is the best she has always supported me and now that i have Averie, she lets her sit in the children's section while i work. She doesn't actually know the truth about how i got pregnant with Averie or my home life but i decided it's best if no one knows. Its not that i am embarrassed about what happens its just, i don't want to be pitted or seen differently.

When we enter the cafe the smell of freshly made coffee and cakes make me sigh in relief.
Averie lifts her head at the familiar smell and a smile reaches her lips.
"down mummy down." she pleads wiggling around in my arms. This girl will run wild around here if i let her.
"if i let you down no running okay?" i tell her trying to sound stern instead of questioning.

She nods her head even though i can tell she listened to none of that. I laugh a little at her desperation to be free and place her down by my leg.

"what do you want to drink baby? Hot chocolate?" I ask knowing it is her favourite and she instantly jumps up and down saying yes.
" cake pop too mummy." she pleads and i instantly nod. I cant say no to her. It is a slight problem of mine. I did promise a cake though so of course she is getting one.

"okay go sit at that table and don't move so i know where you are." I continue pointing towards the small table in the middle of the cafe. Today it is quite busy so i like to make sure she is in my sights.

"otay mummy." and of she goes waddling towards the table before pulling herself up onto the chair and swinging her legs in front of her.

i smile at her and turn back towards the counter before ordering.

"hi what can i get you today!" the cheery girl asks looking at me with a big smile. Damn how can someone be so happy. It's nauseating.

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