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Hello readers!!! Here is the chapter just the beginning of characters life.

Here you go............


The morning sun cast a warm glow over the bustling city of Seoul, South Korea. People hurried along the streets, lost in the rhythm of their daily routines. However, in the Jeon household, chaos reigned supreme.

Namjoon sprinted through the mansion, a look of panic etched on his face. Behind him, Jin pursued, his expression a mix of frustration and amusement. The reason for this commotion? Namjoon, in his usual clumsy manner, had managed to knock over and shatter a vase that held sentimental value to Jin.

As the chase continued, Jungkook and Hyun observed from a distance. Hyun, a precocious six-year-old, was the daughter of Namjoon and Jin. She had been woken up by the commotion, and now watched with wide eyes as her fathers dashed around the house.

"Uncle Kookie, why are Appa and Dad running around like that?" Hyun whispered, her voice full of confusion. Jungkook, fondly referred to as Uncle Kookie by Hyun, smiled at her innocence. Their bond was strong, with Jungkook often taking on the role of a fun-loving playmate.

"They're just playing a game, Hyunie," Jungkook replied, his voice soft. "Don't worry, everything's fine."

As Namjoon and Jin finally made their way downstairs, Hyun was set down by Jungkook. She looked up at Jin, her expression serious. "Appa, did you forget that I'm the child of this house?" she asked, her lower lip jutting out in a pout.

Jin couldn't help but chuckle at her words. "No, sweetie, we didn't forget," he reassured her, ruffling her hair affectionately. "We're just having a little fun."

Jungkook, seizing the opportunity, interjected, "When are we going to finish our game, Jin hyung? We're hungry!"

Jin shot Jungkook a playful glare. "Shut up and go drink your banana milk," he teased, earning a pout from the younger man.

Hyun, amused by the exchange between her father and uncle, burst into giggles. As the family settled at the dining table, enjoying their breakfast, the doorbell rang. The maid hurried to answer it, revealing Hobi and Yoonji at the door. Yoonji, a doctor who had just finished her night shift, looked exhausted as she entered the house. Hobi, her husband and a ray of sunshine in any situation, followed closely behind.

Hobi and Yoonji were living with the Jeon family temporarily, as Jungkook had insisted. Hobi was Namjoon and Jungkook's cousin, and they were all part of the same gang, Crimson Shadow.

Yoonji gratefully sank into a chair, letting out a tired sigh. Concerned looks were exchanged around the table as everyone noticed her fatigue. Hobi pulled up a chair beside her, his presence comforting.

Jin poured Yoonji a cup of steaming coffee, offering it to her with a warm smile. "Here, this might help you feel a bit more awake."

Yoonji gratefully accepted the coffee, taking a sip before replying, "Thanks, Jin oppa. I really needed this."

Hobi, who had been quietly listening, chimed in, "You did amazing, baby. I'm so proud of you."

Yoonji smiled softly at him, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "Thanks, Hobi. It was a tough night, but knowing you're waiting for me at home makes it all worth it."

Namjoon, always the thoughtful one, asked, "Did you have any difficult cases last night?"

Yoonji nodded, her expression turning serious. "Yeah, we had a few emergencies come in. It was challenging, but we managed."

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