Chapter 1: meetup

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Once upon a Time in the city of chappington lived two individuals who had no idea that they were about to cross paths in the most unexpected chaotic way. Olivia a kindhearted young woman with a heart of gold, struggling to make ends meet while balancing eight different jobs to take care of her sick mother and younger brother. On the other side of the city was Jack a spoiled and entitled heir to the kings family fortune, jack is a coldhearted player who only cares about himself used to getting everything he wants. One fateful evening, as Olivia was on her pizza delivery rounds on her trustee old bike, "fate" intervened in the form of a reckless driver. Jack's driver speeding down in his fancy limo. almost crashing into Olivia, making her drop the pizza, enraged she went up to Jack's driver, knocking on the window, yelling at them to roll down the window, the driver rolling down the window when Jack tells the driver to not roll down the window When Olivia starts knocking on the window even harder the driver rolls down the window to apologize just then Jack says don't apologize. It was her fault when Olivia heard that she tries to argue with Jack  but the driver tries to apologize when Olivia realizes that her bike has been torn up that makes her even angrier she starts yelling at the driver wanting them to pay back the stuff they ruined knowing that Olivia will get fired she is very angry. The driver gives her  $200 and ask can she move out of the way speechless but still  angry so she throws back the money saying " do you really think this will pay for it all you ruin my bike and five pizzas"  jack Who had enough of her yelling says " we gave you $200 get out of the before I get you fired" Olivia who is still angry says " get me fired who the hell even are you do you know how much that bike costs I spent my allowance on that and all of that pizza from my job that I was supposed to be delivering is on the street. I'm going to get fired anyway I want my money." Having enough jack tells the driver to just drive when Olivia sees them driving away, she gets a call from her manager when her manager says she's fired because she saw the video of you arguing with a very important customer. Olivia, not knowing who the hell that boy was as she was trying to talk to her manager, but the manager hangs up.

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