Chapter Six

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First Pov (Johnny):

 I woke up first the next morning, her still cuddled up beside me, her arm wrapped around my torso. "I'm so glad it's Saturday," I mumbled as I kissed the top of her head. Saturday was the day that we usually spent the most time together since neither of us had to go to work or school. She whined a bit when I moved away, her hands aimlessly reaching for me. I thought she was gonna wake up, but she ended up giving up and dozing back off. "She really wasn't kidding when she said she was tired," I said quietly. Even if she did seem like she was knocked out cold, she'd wake up in an instant if she heard something loud enough. 

 I left her to sleep, heading to the kitchen to make her breakfast. One thing I've learn in the time we've been together is that she loved breakfast in bed. I didn't even think that I could ever be the type of person to like spoiling my partner the way I spoil her, but just seeing her smile makes it all worth it. I made her some French toast with whipped cream and strawberries with some maple syrup on the side. I also made her scrambled eggs and bacon with orange juice on the side. (If you don't like the meal, you can totally makeup your own meal.) I was glad she was so tired because now I didn't have to worry about her waking up before I was done cooking. 

First Pov:

 I woke up to the smell of.. bacon? I sat up slowly, wiping the sleep away from my eyes. "Baby?.." I looked around, pouting when I didn't see Johnny anywhere. Then he opened the door, coming in with a tray of food. "You didn't have to make me anything," I said with a smile. I wasn't used to being doted on. "But I wanted to. I know college has you stressed and I just wanna make you feel better any way that I can. He set the tray down on my lap before sliding back in bed with me. He always makes me food for two people because we both already know he's gonna eat some too. He's a good cook.

 As we were eating, I leaned against his shoulder, looking up at him with a sense of adoration. "Have I ever told you how happy I am that you saved me?.." He chuckled. "Have I ever told you how happy i am that I was the one to save you?" I wanted to enjoy this time as much as possible in case me meeting his mother goes badly. He had always told me his mom was.. not the most accepting.  As we sat there eating and enjoying each other's company, my phone dinged with a notification. I grabbed my phone, unlocking it to see that it was the results for the writing contest that I (Johnny really) entered. 

I stared at what it said, trying to comprehend how it could be true. "What's got you so shocked," he asked as he nuzzled his face against my hair. "I won.." I said quietly, my eyes watering slightly. "I wish I could say I was shocked, but I already knew you were going to win because you're an amazing writer." He tilted my face up, kissing me softly before leaning back and looking deep within my eyes. "You are so wonderful, Y/N. You deserved to win and when your writing career takes off, I'm gonna be right by your side, always." 

"I can't believe I actually won.." I leaned against him. "I guess my writing isn't so bad after all." He chuckled as he kissed my cheek, his lips lingering on my skin longer than usual. "We'll go out for dinner to celebrate." I rolled my eyes and playfully hit his arm. "You wanna go out for all my achievements." I really didn't get what he saw in me, what he sees in me. He should be famous with how gorgeous he is. Plus, he's made me feel more loved than I ever have in my life. "Everything you do is worth celebrating in my book," he said quietly as he kissed the back of my hand.

 "I'm nervous," I blurted out, knowing I had to get better at communicating how I feel. "Why are you nervous? There's nothing to be-.. you're nervous about meeting my mom," he said slightly defeated. "She never likes the girls you bring home and who's to say she'll like me either. I'm no one special and she would be right if she said I didn't deserve you, there's so many ways this could go wr-" He covered my mouth and smiled. "Remember how we talked about how you can't keep talking down on yourself?" I nodded. "I get it, it's nerve-wracking, but I have never been so serious about someone the way I am with you. I genuinely feel as though we make each other better and that is all that matters to me. I think my mom is gonna love you."

 First Pov (Johnny):

 She sighed and moved my hand away from her mouth. "If.. she doesn't like me.. will you leave me?" I could hear the hurt and concern in her voice. "That's not gonna happen. I love you, Y/N." She nodded and snuggled up to me, kissing my neck lovingly. "Thank you for always making me feel wanted.. most people wouldn't want to be with an emotional wreck." 

"But you're trying to get better. And what type of boyfriend would I be to leave you?" She shrugged and laid against my chest. When she didn't move for a couple minute I knew she had gone to sleep. I finished eating the rest of the food, watching tik tok on her phone because her fyp was better than mine. It's crazy to think that falling in love could be so.. liberating. She woke up a couple hours later. "Morning, Sunshine ;)" She sat up slowly, looking at her phone in my hand. "If you don't like your own fyp then just like a bunch of videos about what you like until it starts changing." She snatched her phone from my hand before leaning against my shoulder and letting me continue watching tik toks on her phone. "You couldn't be mad at me even if you wanted to."

"Just shut up and watch the videos." We stayed like that until we heard the front door open, she immediately popped up, worried. I sighed and threw on some sweats near my bed before heading downstairs. "You know I'm not the only one who stays here anymore. You can't just be walking in like that, you nearly gave Y/N a heart attack." Alice laughed. "Sorry, I forget. It's not exactly my fault if you never took away my key." He grinned knowing I wasn't going to take it away. "Just.. give us a heads up next time." He nodded and started eating some of the food I had left on the stove from breakfast. "I didn't know you cooked for her~. Very nice." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe because that's none of your business. I'll be back down in a bit."

I ran back upstairs, seeing her stretching, my shirt reaching just below her ass. I made a mental note of needing to get a small size. She turned towards me. "Who was it?" I slowly tried my eyes up her body before landing on her eyes. "Alice." She hadn't actually met my friends before, but she knew who they were. She threw on a pair of (my) shorts and headed downstairs, me trialing behind her. "So you're Alice," she said as she waved." Alice bored before continuing to eat. "Ms. Y/N, pleasure to meet you."

 They started talking which led to the three of us sitting on the couch and even though I know Alice didn't mean to, he was getting a little to close to her for my comfort. I tried not to say anything as Y/N didn't seem to care (or notice, idk). He caught me subconsciously glaring at him, so he scooted away from he a little. But the feeling was new.. being jealous. I don't know why, but the very thought of a man being close to her made my blood boil. I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her to sit on my lap. 

First Pov: 

I looked back at him as he pulled my to sit on his lap. What was that about? "I was just telling Alice about me winning the contest and us going for dinner later. Then it hit me, what if he comes too? Your other two friends as well and mine. I want to celebrate it with people that mean a lot to us." 

First Pov (Johnny):

That one word changed what I was about to say. Us. Us. I smiled. "Yeah, we should invite our friends. But right after, we're going home and going to bed." She nodded. I texted my friends about it as she texted hers. 

We met up at a nice restaurant. After seeing all those videos about the people having trouble with splitting the bill, I told then when we walked in that I was only paying for me and Y/N, no one else. They agreed and Y/N laughed. "Weirdo." I chuckled and kissed her cheek. We got seated and as we were waiting to order, her friends began to question me. "So you're John? Interesting." I think it was Rose who said it. Y/N told me in advance that Rose was the most protective, so I was ready. "You can just refer to be as Y/N's boyfriend. That's my favorite quality of myself."

She nodded and started asking random questions about my life. I answered truthfully, the boys looking shocked at how I didn't seem fazed. Once we placed our orders in, Y/N just leaned against my shoulder with a smile. She didn't even seem to hear Tim trying to talk to her as she just looked at me. I wordlessly told him to shut up as I stared into her eyes. "If only we were alone right now," I whispered. 

After dinner, we said goodbye to our friends and headed back to my place. Back to our place. "You know what I just realized," she said with a small smile. I raised an eyebrow, wanting her to continue. "Tomorrow marks 6 months we've been together.." I smiled. "That's makes it all the better to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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