the moment i knew

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travis kelce's pov

    i paced back and forth as i waited for the car to pull up in the drive way. i invited the biggest pop star in the world, taylor swift, to my house. we've been talking over text and facetime. i really want to get to know her, and not just what the internet says.

    i went to her concert around a month ago with a friendship bracelet and a dream. clearly that didn't work, but she saw my podcast.

    i've been frantically cleaning my house all day, it looks pretty much spotless. my heart pounded as i heard the sound of tires on the cement outside.

    i took a deep breath and opened the door to my porch. there she was, more beautiful than ever. "hi!" she smiled. almost a smirk. my face was practically red. "i uh, hi!" i stuttered.

    she came up to the porch and met my eyes. i couldn't help but stare. "you look uh, breathtaking." i managed to get the words out. i immediately regretted saying that. i mean it's exactly what i thought but i could've been a little more subtle. "thank you, handsome." she smiled and walked into my house.

    i took a moment to come inside after her as i was still processing that taylor swift called me handsome. i felt like a little boy with a crush.

   "i hope you like pasta." i chuckled and set a plate in front of her. "this smells amazing. i didn't know you cooked." she laughed.

    i took a seat next to her and we began to talk about our lives. i found out she is absolutely hilarious. funny and beautiful? i don't know if i can handle it.

     "so i hear you're an eagles fan?" i ask, trying to make small talk. "well that was my home team growing up. i'm only really a fan because of my dad, i don't know much about football." her gorgeous blue eyes stared into mine. i was mesmerized.

    "you know my brother?" i take her plate and mine and place them in the sink. "well i know of him. i may or may not have googled you." her cheeks heated up and she buried her face in her hands.

     "you look really cute when you blush." she looks up, embarrassed. "i- i wasn't blushing." she denied. we both laughed.

     we decided to settle on the couch and watch a movie. she sat in the cushion beside me but as the movie went on she gradually came closer. eventually she rested her head on my shoulder. i think my heart did a backflip.

    the movie soon ended and we just talked some more. "it's getting late, i should go." i was a bit bummed but it was late so i understood.

    "i had a lot of fun, i will text you soon." she placed a kiss on my cheek and smiled. "bye taylor!" i shouted as she left.

    as i shut the door i melted on to my knees. how did this happen to me? how did i get to go on a date with taylor swift?

taylor swift's pov

    when i arrived back at my hotel i couldn't stop giggling. i decided to call selena because i needed to tell someone about the great night i had.

    she quickly picked up and saw the big grin i had across my face. "taylor? what happened?" she laughed. "i went on a date! and it was amazing!" i giggled and kicked my feet back and forth.

     "omg!! so who is he?" she anxiously asked. "his name is travis kelce, he's a football player." my cheeks turned pink at the thought of him.

    i told her about the whole night and couldn't stop laughing. he was so great. eventually i hung up because it was late and i needed some sleep.

    before i drifted off, i decided to text him. 

"i had a really great time and would love to see you again, handsome." i pressed send and almost threw my phone across the room. i anxiously waited for a response.

my phone soon buzzed, "i had a good time too, come to my game next weekend?"

  "i'll see, goodnight travis." i smiled and drifted off to sleep.

authors note:

short first chapter but im excited to write more!! this chapter is very happy but don't worry i will be sure to write some sad stories in the future

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