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This is a contest entry for BlueMoonFantasy. It's a painting of Flametail's death. The three emotions are fear, struggle, and acceptance.

The darker part of the painting represent the fear that Flametail felt when he first fell into the lake. The struggle is represented by Flametail's paw reaching for the surface. The final emotion, acceptance is represented by the sereneness of Flametail's face.

I would also like to draw attention to the colors that were used. Nearer to the surface, I painted the water in a warmer green. This is to show the stark contrast between this scene beneath the ice and the previous scene where they were playing on the ice. I feel like Flametail's death was very sudden, so I relayed this through the colors (which I just explained). The scenes opposed each other almost perfectly, the first one being bright and warm; the second very cold and dark.

Well then... Wish me luck!!

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