chapter 3

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### Chapter 3: The Journey

The sun barely peeked through the dense forest canopy as Virat made his way towards the hidden cave, where Vijay often sought solace. Every step was heavy with the weight of his mission: to bring Vijay back to face Rohit and the pack. Failure was not an option; it could mean the end for Vijay, and possibly for Virat himself.

### The Encounter

As Virat approached the cave, he could see Vijay sitting by the stream, lost in thought. His heart ached at the sight of his brother, once so strong and confident, now reduced to a shadow of his former self. Taking a deep breath, Virat stepped forward.

"Vijay," he called out, his voice soft but firm.

Vijay turned sharply, surprise and apprehension etched on his face. "Virat? What are you doing here?"

Virat swallowed hard. "I came to talk. About Ritika. About what happened."

Vijay's expression darkened, but he nodded, gesturing for Virat to sit beside him. The silence between them was thick with unspoken words and shared sorrow.

### A Brother's Plea

"I know I failed her," Vijay began, his voice cracking. "But what can I do now? She's gone."

"You can face the consequences of your actions," Virat replied, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. "Rohit is out for blood, Vijay. He wants justice for his sister."

Vijay hung his head, tears forming in his eyes. "I loved Ritika, Virat. But our family... they couldn't accept her infertility. They pressured us, and I... I took it out on her. I was weak. I let them break me, and I broke her."

Virat felt a surge of anger and sadness. Hearing Vijay admit his failure was both painful and infuriating. "You should have protected her," he said, his voice rising. "She needed you, and you let her down."

"I know," Vijay whispered, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs. "I know I did."

### Convincing Vijay

For a moment, Virat struggled to find his words. The pain in Vijay's voice was a stark reminder of his own guilt and helplessness. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions.

"You have to come back with me," Virat said finally. "Face Rohit, face the pack. Show them that you regret what happened. It's the only way to stop this cycle of vengeance."

Vijay looked up, fear and uncertainty in his eyes. "And what if Rohit kills me? What if the pack turns on me?"

"I won't let that happen," Virat promised, his voice firm. "Rohit gave me one week to bring you back. He's angry, but he's also fair. If you show true remorse, I believe he will listen. For Ritika's sake, we have to try."

For a long moment, Vijay was silent. Then, slowly, he nodded. "Alright. I'll go with you. It's time to face what I've done."

### The Journey Back

The journey back to the pack was fraught with tension. Virat could feel Vijay's fear and guilt with every step they took. The closer they got, the heavier the air seemed to become. When they finally reached the edge of the pack's territory, Virat felt a surge of apprehension. The pack would not easily forgive or forget, and convincing them of Vijay's remorse would be no small task.

The pack members were already gathered when they arrived, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Rohit stood at the center, his eyes cold and unyielding. Virat's heart ached seeing the man he loved so filled with anger and pain.

"I brought him," Virat said, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. "He's here to face justice."

### Facing the Pack

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