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* This is a long one so brace yourself  but i was thinking about maybe doing a second part to this one i do have another two part story i'm working on but let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions 🫶🏻*

taylor's pov

I'm going to travis house and staying there for the first time ever i would be lying if i said i wasn't freaking out a little no one knows where together except some close friends i haven't told my parents yet just because i don't want to disappoint them if it doesn't workout

travis and i have been texting and face timing non stop since he came to New York where he asked me if i would want to come stay with him for a few days i obviously said yes and here we are

i'm sitting on the floor in my room trying to pack but i just don't know what to bring it's end of summer so the weather there should be pretty nice but what if we do something or go somewhere instead of overthinking for another few hours of what to pack i look at the time and decide just to facetime trav

"hey tay ooooo are you packing" i laugh a little
"trying to" i respond "what do you mean"
"i literally have no clue what to bring i know you said nothing fancy but what if last minute we do something fancy and what if-" travis cuts me off with a smile "stop overthink it taylor bring however much stuff you want but don't obsess over the what ifs worse case we have to do some shopping" i smile and finally just agree nodding looking around at all the clothes on the floor of my room "what you looking at" i hear travis say pulling me out of my thoughts
" all of the clothes on my floor right now"
he laughs "just bring comfy clothes a baiting suit and maybe one nice outfit just in case" travis says calming my thoughts "ok" i say

i finish packing and end my call with travis i take a shower that was probably to long but you never know    i get dressed and get in bed and i can't fall asleep what if something happens what if the paps find out i'm there and ruin everything just as i'm  spiraling i hear my phone ring from my bedside table i pick it up

Blake is face timing me thank god
"hey blake"
"hey sorry for calling so late but i needed to know how you where feeling about you know going to Kansas City for a week!" blake says the most excited i think i've ever seen her
"good im really happy to see him again i am a little nervous tho"
"are you packed yet?"
" ya" i say confused at the question
"ok you have the hardest part done and there's nothing to be worried about you meet him had a great time you talk all the time you will be fine and if your not call me i'll come get you"
i laugh at the last comment "you do know how far KC is from New York right"
"i'll get on a plane" she says very seriously
"okay okay i need to go to bed goodnight blake"
i responded laughing all nerves that once lingered gone

Travis pov

I wake up the sun shining through my curtains i roll over and read the clock 7:45 ugh i hate waking up early i don't know why i'm up so early because i don't have football today then it hits me taylor is coming today her plane lands at 1 pm so i have quite awhile my mom is in town so i'm doing brunch with her today at my old house where she is staying

i'm on my way to my old house when i feel my phone vibrate

Tay❤️   hey we are leaving now see you soon
Trav🏈  ok i'm going to see my mom, can't wait

i reply quickly befor setting off to see my mom  i try my best to see my mom whenever i can but it is really hard with football and her traveling to see my brother but we do our best

i walk into the house it smells absolutely phenomenal i walk in the the kitchen to see my mom bringing food over to the table i walk over and hug her and help with the food

Taylor & Travis one shots Where stories live. Discover now