Chapter One: A Force To Be Reckoned With

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"Thrusters-check, life support- check, engine-check, coolant-check..." Ademia ran through the list over her com channel as she did one last check on all functions in her Jedi class starfighter. "...stabilizers check." She waited a moment before the clone's voice reached her ears over the comms.

"Red Eight, you are clear for takeoff, await instructions from Gold Leader."

"Copy." Ademia gazed around the large Venator hanger from the view in her cockpit. The hangar bay was lined with Jedi starfighters just like hers, along with what Master Windu called "LAAT's" or what she heard some clones call "gunships". The heavily armed transport shuttles lined the back walls, surrounded by perfect rows of identical white armored men awaiting orders from superiors .

Ademia leaned forward and peered at the fighter to her right. Master Plo seemed to be engaged in conversation with someone on a comm, but gave her a quick nod when he noticed her. Ademia sighed deeply and sat back in the pilot's seat, fiddling with the harness absentmindedly.

Waiting for this mission was more nerve wracking than most missions. This one carried more weight with it. If she and Master Plo failed a normal mission, which was rare, the outcome could hardly end in their deaths, or the deaths of others. That was not true with this mission though.

The private comm channel button started blinking red on her dash, and Master Plo's voice came through her comm system.

"How are you doing, Padawan?" He asked. Ademia leaned forward in her cockpit to see him in the fighter next to her.

"Never better, Master." She smiled, feigning confidence. Master Plo chucked.

"Always the optimist, I see." She could tell he was smiling under his respirator mask.

"Eh... destroy a factory, save Master Kenobi, capture Count Duku... how hard does that sound?" She said. The humor disappeared from Plo's face, and his face grew dark.

"Do not underestimate the power of our enemies, my young Padawan. The droid armies were built to destroy, and I do not believe that they will not fulfill their purpose."

"Yes, Master." Ademia nodded. Master Plo's gaze softened.

"Remember your training, Ademia. I have-" They were cut off by a sudden transmission.

"All fighters." Master Windu's voice boomed over the general comm. "This is Gold Leader. We have reached Geonosis, prepare for take off." Ademia tightened her seat restraints one last time, and powered up the fighter's engines.

"Alright R-3, you ready for this?" She asked the yellow astromech that was stationed in the droid compartment. He grunted out a deep beep. "I hope that means yes." She replied. "Because we're about to drop in."

"Padawan." Master Plo called over the private coms.

"Yes, Master Plo?"

"May the Force be with you."

"And with you also, Master." Ademia breathed in deeply, reaching into the warm energy she felt constantly, tingling on the edge of her senses. I can do this. She reminded herself, quelling the anxiety that had been mounting in her chest. She prepared the stabilizers and thrusters. "Let's go get those Separatists." She muttered to herself. R3 groaned.

The dorsal flight deck opened, and the Jedi fighters rose from the hanger floor.

"Gold squadron, hit those orbital cannons on the surface. We cannot let them take out our ships. Red squadron, cover Gold squadron, we will be encountered by enemy fighters. We will meet at the rendezvous on the surface to infiltrate the factory and arena." Master Windu instructed.

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