I wanna commit.

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So there is this guy in my class named Richard Zhang right? THIS BITCH HAS BEEN MAKING FAKE SCENARIOS WHERE IM GETTING MY BRAINS FUCKED OUT BY A GUY WHO LIKES ME. I DONT LIKE HIM BACK. It's so uncomfortable even after saying that I like women more. They literally try to warp the poor boys gender and says, look, blah blah blah! That's your BOYFRIEND. EXCUSE ME? THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO CALL ME A GUY WHEN IM OUT AS GENDERFLUID IS CRAZY. ASSUMING MY GENDER HUH? AND WARPING IT? Then they talk about how I must know how big blah blah blah's dick is. Like they are so messed up. And it's only the boys in my classes. I have to sit there the entire time just listening to them talk about my pussy. MY pussy. Do you know how uncomfortable that is? And then when I say something about it they say I have anger issues because I'm the tiniest bit aggressive. Like this has been going on since October. Almost the whole fucking school year. Please I actually want to kill myself right now.

 Please I actually want to kill myself right now

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How many times have I had to add Richard back because he kept trying to run away from the conversation? An unreasonable amount of time

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How many times have I had to add Richard back because he kept trying to run away from the conversation? An unreasonable amount of time. He is so childish and immature. I want to kill him myself but I can't. I would if I could trust me. And now 24 people have evidence, possibly more now that I'm posting it on here now. If you sat through my vent, thank you. If you skipped it, well, ok. Just want to remind you that there are creepy fuckers out there. Don't get harassed by them and if you are, don't let them harass you. Thank you for your stay.

Sincerely, Brianna Lee.

Also _estelle2 I hope you feel better soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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