A Son For A Son

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King's Landing, The Red Keep 

No one POV 

Gaela was showing Jaehaera how to do a stitch and Gaela said "So you try it like that, and then you go this way." 

Helaena smiled and said "Are you sure you don't need my help" and Gaela said "We're okay." 

Jaehaera said "Yeah, Mama we're okay, Gaela is really good at them" and Gaela said "I learned from the best, the Queen is a really good teacher." 

Helaena said "You know you don't need to call me that, It's always Mother to you" and Gaela smiled. 

Aegon walked in, and Gaela looked up and got up and curtised and Aegon walked over and said"There's no need for that." 

He touched her cheek and she sat back down and Aegon smiled at Jaehaera and Aegon said "Where is your brother?". 

Gaela looked at Helaena and Helaena nodded and Gaela said "At his Lessons." 

Aegon said "And those are where" and Gaela said "I don't know." 

Helaena said "What do you need of him" and Aegon said "Taking him to the small council. He'll be king one day. He must begin his instruction." 

Helaena said "What if he does not want to be king?" and Aegon looked over and said "Where is he?". 

Helaena looked over and said "The library. You must not interrupt his custom." 

Aegon went to walk away, Gaela looked over at the journal and Alys looked over and Gaela went to read it, Helaena said "I'm afraid." 

Aegon said "Don't be. They'd be fools to come with Vhagar protecting the city." 

Helaena said "Not the dragons. The rats." 

Aegon said "The queen is an enduring mystery... is she not?" and Gaela kept reading at the jounral, and picked at her fingernails. 

Aegon said "Gaela? Gaela" and Gaela looked up and said "Yes, your Grace." 

Aegon said "You must stop that, there is nothing to worry about" and Gaela said "I'm not doing anything." 

Aegon said "Picking your nails, it is a nasty habit for such a pretty little girl to do, I thought we spoke of it." 

Gaela muttered"Sorry" and Helaena said "She can't help it, she used to be nervous a lot" and Aegon said "Yes, but not anymore." 

At the Small Council Chamber 

Alicent walked in and Tyland said "Your Grace" and Alicent said "Good day" and she sat down and Aegon walked in with Jaehaerys and Aegon said "Hello! Jaehaerys must learn the ways of the court if he is to rule one day. Up we go. " 

Aegon sat at the head of the table while Jaehaerys sat at the end of it and Aegon said "Good morrow, my lords. Mother. What news?". 

He sat down and Otto said "Our letters to the Vale and to the North continue to go unanswered." 

Aegon said "Cunts" and Otto said "The Stormlands should be ours after Prince Aemond's marriage pact to the Lady Floris Baratheon. I anticipate their sworn declaration." 

Tyland said "My brother is raising the strength of the West to mass at the Golden Tooth, but we..." and Jaehaerys kept playing with his ball and Tyland said "Yeah, thank you, my prince. That's, that's very helpful." 

Otto said "My nephew, Lord Ormund, musters his forces to sally forth from Oldtown. They expect to march quickly, meeting little resistance, until they reach the Riverlands." 

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