The Secret Love Story

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So, how did that happen?
It was a Tuesday, i had a math test that i didn't study for, i didn't need to, I was the smartest student in that class.
The thing is that while the rest finished their test, the rest could go outside the classroom, and no suprise, i was the first to finish, so i went to the fourth floor.

So what's special bout the fourth floor? Absolutely nothing, that's why i loved it.

In my school the first 3 floors were for elementary and Kinder, and the fourth and fifth supposed to be for high school, but with time was required less and less classrooms so it ended up in the fifth floor, while the fourth  was kind of  a launching area.
There was a couch, some colorful walls, and a patio. That place was the core of the students' memories. It was the ribbon that tied all of us together.

So when I walked on the famous fourth floor I found the most amazing and spectacular backpack. Alone. In a school. I was about to call security, but this random dude that i never saw walked in, coming from the stairs.
-Stop! Wait! Is mine- he said out of breathe- its my backpack. Sorry for the inconvenience.
-No worries, but first, who are you? And second, france. (Joke for my argentinian friends, lol). No, really, who are you? Are you new?
-I'm Max- he said smiling while offering his hand for shaking.
-I'm Nicki- i responded, but didnt shake his hand.
-Nice to meet you Nicki, what class are you in? I'm a junior.
-Oh, im also a junior, well, kind of, im actually taking classes from senior year too, so im half junior and half senior.
Max didn't look so amazed by the fact he was in front of a smarty pants, and that bothered me very much.
-Oh so are you smart, aren't you? - he said like he just heard that today is sunny.
-Well, kind of...
-Yeah, sure.
-So why are you in this floor?
-Well, my parents are talking with the principal so she told me to stay here  what are you doing here? Isn't the fifth floor high school? Are you skipping classes smarty?
-Oh no, im just waiting on the rest to finish the math test.

WAIT WAIT WAIT, I know what you are thinking. This is the most boring conversation that you have ever heard of, well, me too, but you should see his eyes.
I dreamed of those eyes for frikin years.
They were the most amazing brown eyes that I ever saw.

The thing is that from there everything was amazing.
I introduced him to the classes and he got in my study/ friend groups.
He got into football and was striker, he made friends and every other girl in town had a crush on him. He did well in class and a lots of extra activities.
He was actually nice, a really good person.

So I told you that i felt in love with him, and its true.
We became close, what i tough really good friends. We went to some of the clases together and we made it the most out of it.
But one day he told me he liked Bri. Don't get me wrong, I loved Bri, she was the most amazing best friend that i could ever ask for.
But Bri and Max? HELL NO.
I was jealous? Maybe. Yes. Really jealous. But im also a good friend, or at least i was trying to, so i didn't say a word. I saw my two best friends be in what people call young love, asking myself if he ever liked me.

The reason why i tough that is because of the way he acted around me. The smirks and hugs, the jokes and long talks. The way he greated me and the way we always were together. But i never ever was going to ask him, so thats how i let him go.

I was hurt, and he wanted to be loved.
He scaped from my life. Or i did send him away?
His thing wit Bri didn't work out.
But with time he found another gal.
And we just grew apart.

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