day one

22 1 0

(Alfred's POV)
"And where will we be staying?" I asked.

"In your house the woods." My boss stated.

"Why? I like that house! I don't want him in it." I said pointing to Russia.

"America! You two will be staying in that house together and that's final." He ordered. I glared at him but didn't say anything else. "You two will learn to get along, and this will be the way you two will do it.

"We are running out of ways to get you two to get along. The next step is to handcuff you two together." Russia's boss said sternly.

I looked at Russia and we both agreed on the same thing for the first time in many years.

"This is bullshit." We said together.

"Look at that, it's already working. They're already agreeing on stuff." His boss said arrogantly earning him two harsh glares.

*Time skip again.*

I looked through my suitcases one moretime to make sure I had everything. I made a mental check list as I sorted through everything one last time. Clothes, books, notebook, tazzer, ect. It seemed like I had everything that I needed. Satisifed with what I had, I loaded everything into my car trunk.

The plan was that we packed and drive there today and our time starts tomarrow. I darted around the house one last time to make sure I wasn't forgetting something. I checked the time, grabbed the cat carrier with Hero it, and left. I would have to pick Russia up at his hotel and then drive to the house. Unfortunately the house was about a nine hour drive, not including breaks, so we had to start early in the morning. I placed the carrier in the back seat making sure that it wouldn't slide around. I took one last look at the house I currently resided in and drove off.

Russia's hotel was only thirty minutes away so it wasn't long before I pulled up to the building. I pulled out my phone and texted him that I was here. As part of our punishment we had to exchange phone numbers as well.

I am outside of the building. Where are you?

Outside by the front

Ok I'm coming

I drive to the front I park the car by Russia I pop the trunk for him and wait for him to put his stuff in. I zone out thinking about how I will have to endure a whole month of torture of insults from him. I was knocked out of my thoughts by the trunk slamming and the passenger door opening.

I sigh and turn on my phone and open up google Maps and start the way to my house

(Time skip brought to you by me wanting sleep)

I pull in to I drive way to a three story wooden cabin I haven't been here since last summer...

I step out of the car and put hero on his leash and grab my stuff hero injoys the outdoors I never knew why.
I fumble my keys out my pocket and unlock the door.

I walk in, russia and his cat slightly behind us Russia sets the cat carrier down, I undo hero's harness hero walks up to Anatoly (Russia's cat) they purr loudly and rub heads

I say, hey rus!?

I hear Russia respon, Da?, he peaks into the room

Wanna see your room?

"Da lead de way" he said with his smile
I walk up the stairs and lead him to a guest room I hear him gasp and pop down on the bed I walk to my room hero and Anatoly on the bed

I smile I'm quite tired I yawn and stretch I unpack my stuff I forgot I had clothes in this room them are too big on me I lost 48 pounds since then yet I still get called fat I only weigh 160 and I'm 6'1..

I don't know what to do I can lose weight at all. grab a pair of shorts and a hoodie I begin to undress and throw my old clothes on the ground and change into my new ones I lay down and hero snuggles up to me as well as Anatoly I fall a sleep with the cats in my arms...


Hiyaaa here is what the kittys look like

Hiyaaa here is what the kittys look like

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