Massive projects n car accidents

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(Anthony's pov)

A few months have passed, and it feels like everything's back to normal. Brock's back home living with his family as I have my whole bed to myself. Oh, I missed this feeling and had the whole bed to myself. I love my Brock and all, but having my own bed to myself is a life changer, man. Ole man. I head to bed, and hours later, my alarm rings rapidly. I wake up head to the bathroom to get ready. As I got finished, my phone rings and it was Brock.

A~ hey babe, good morning. How'd you sleep?

B~ "pretty good, how about yourself?

A~ Amazing, actually, haha. I kinda miss you sleeping with me recently, though. I miss you in my arms.

B~ I miss being with you also. Honestly, I've been trying my hardest to give a break, but I miss being with you.

A~ awe, you're so cute! I'll see you at school today?

B~ Definitely okay. I gotta go love you!

A~ Love you too, bye.

(Anthony's pov)

I headed to school and immediately was late shockingly with all the traffic. I made it to my second block class. It was dead silent like no other. I sat in my seat right before the teacher started talking.

Mr. Swanson ~ Alright, class, turn your phone off all the way, we have a massive project due tomorrow. You must build a functioning bridge. This is a class effort. I've contacted your parents they already know what's going on. You must get it completed by tomorrow morning. Time starts now!

Blake: I can't believe this. What's the point of having a phone in class, and we can't be on it at all? Anthony, danny, Ben, let's work on it together.

Ben/Anthony and Danny: Yeah, sure, I'm definitely down. Let's see, get started.

Anthony: I'll grab the wood and clay for the base of the bridge.

Danny: I'll grab steel for the cables of the bridge!

Ben: I'll grab water, paint, and dirt, leaves for decorations.

(Hours have passed!)

(Brock's pov)

I was in class getting a text from Anthony saying he has a massive project and he has to turn his phone off all the way. I understand, and I didn't question it. I head to practice after school. After I had gotten done, I headed home...

Katlen's pov

I hear my parents scream downstairs. I rush towards them to see my mom and dad in tears.

Katlen: Mom, Dad, what's wrong?

Dad: it's Brock he got hit by a drunk driver, and we have to head to the hospital right away he's in critical condition.

Katlens pov

I run upstairs and quickly throw something on, and we head straight to the hospital. The doctors told us that he's in surgery and he might not make it. Please grab or inform your loved ones just in case.

Katlen: Oh FUCK!

Katlen's dad: What?

Katlen: Anthony Anthony doesn't know about this at all. Fuck fuck fuck his phones off because he has a massive project I have to head to the school.

Katlen's dad: Oh shit I'll call his parents right now! Katlen, go to the school now!

(Anthony's pov)

Wow, boys, we're 60% done with our project haha, Ben good job with dirt, grass, and the rocks looks magnificent. Danny, great job with the overhangs and the cables. Blake, great job on the lighting and the background and the additives. I hear that someone's calling in the hallway and then katlen Burts through the door and begs me to talk to her in the hallway. I understood, so I followed her she never looked so stressed and emotional before, which got me very worry.

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