Just a Little Problem

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So I might have a little crush 😳...

Most of this chapter is me talking about him and our relationship. If you didn't know, (butt probably not, since it's on my picture.) I'm aroace, or aromantic and asexual. And I know this book is for people with questions. Now I have a question. And I'm a person so let me ask my question. At the end of the chapter is the question so if you don't want me to talking about my crush then just skip to the end because I need help.

It's this dude that I've been talking to since like December. And he's really nice and funny. I only have one class with him or had one class with him last year. He also eats lunch near me and my friend group. We used to walk to class together sometimes and we were often shipped together. I've never had a crush on anyone else in my life. There was this one person, they were one of my best friend and a lot of my other friends had crushes and when that best friend told me that they had a crush on me then I thought, 'I could easily get away with the fact that I don't have a crush on them but could say I could, right?' I thought wrong. It got far and that best friend thought we were dating. 

Back to this crush of mine. A couple of my friends knew about this crush and the funny thing is they aren't even a part of my friend circle. Even my concert master knew(1), but not my friend circle 😁. Even my crush found out before my friends did. I told him on the weekend before he was leaving school (because he was leaving the school year earlier.) Then on a random night in the summer while I was on vacation (he was at the same place as me!!!), he told me that he like me too. Sorta, he said that he kinda does and kinda doesn't. He said it was like we are more than friends but not too much. 

I'm having a freaking identity crisis. Please help! So quick question, am I still aroace or not? Please, I'm summoning my aroace followers for this because I have a lot more than I thought I'd have. 

It was 1 am when I was writing this and I thought I would seek advice for it and my stupid orchestra group chat was blowing my phone up. I don't want you to think I'm a liar, which is why I'm seeking help. I have ideas for other chapters but they're mostly vents, so yeah. 

If you read this all they way through, thank you and bye bye!

(1): Just a mini lesson on how orchestras work. A concert master is a person who leads an orchestra when the conductor is not present. They sit at the very front of the orchestra. And are also known as the first chair of the first violins. A first violin is someone sitting in that section. There are first violins, second violins, violas, cellos, and basses (These are in a more traditional or simpler orchestra). First violins are the best violin players in the orchestra. Second violins are the ones that aren't as good as the first violins (I'm a second violin 🥲. But I'm a first chair) The rest are their respective instrument. First chairs are the leaders of their section. 

Quick update on that: 

Now I don't know if  I like him anymore or not...

We still get shipped together, like a lot. But my friends don't really like him, in like a he's not boyfriend material kinda way, I think. But they are the one's shipping me so choose a side. 

That's all. 

Thank you for your time! Have a good morning, afternoon, or evening! Bye bye!

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