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 As it turned out, Suguru really did need that job more than he was letting on. But as you all walked, you collectively decided to ignore this crucial fact without even needing to say a word to one another. It was one of your many rules you had decided on back when you were around thirteen or fourteen, and the severity of crushes and silly emotions like that were beginning to seem like they could disturb the peace. Not as though they necessarily ever did, it was just a precaution that all you decided take because it didn't hurt to be prepared, right?

1) Don't Make It Messy

2) Every Summer Must Start Fresh

3) If It Didn't Happen During Summer, Don't Bring It Up

There were most definitely more, but you all treated those as your golden, guiding principles in this world. With those three rules, you were all somewhat invincible. Rule one restricted the possibility of falling outs, rule two forbade the possibility of immature grudges, and rule three somehow kept the summer sacred. No outer conflicts could intervene with the paradise you all created for yourselves, even if your worlds were falling apart, which they always were, these summers were the structure that kept them alive.

And alive indeed did you feel as you trekked up the base of a hill towards the summit of the road. Between the bustling people, you watched Vespas and cars alike braking down the extremely steep slope or releasing their handbrake and hoping for the best as they blared their horns. Civilians screamed at the entitled drivers, sometimes even going as far to beat against their heated metal panels, but they did not seem to have much care as they zoomed down the hill, the high gradient increasing their already too-high speed.

Momemtum carried them forth and even though you were nearly clipped by a side mirror, as you stalked on the eroded pavement, you could empathise with them. You could understand the feeling of free-falling so damn quickly that you didn't even have the opportunity to catch yourself before you were disintegrating in the well of headiness that seemed to possess you every time you travelled here. A small part of you wanted to cheer them on, to applaud them for representing the very zest of life that you tried to milk every trip but somehow never managed to taste. This summer you were determined to taste everything.

This summer you were to determined to feel everything. To have at your fingertips the entire plethora of unexplained emotions that control human instinct and impulse, the very other-worldy fibres that created joy, freedom, excitement. You wished for them all, to be drunk on them as you paraded the streets, head sinking beneath the weight of your enjoyment. Deep within your heart, you made this scared promise to yourself, that you would live your life to fullest. That no interception from your parents could ever restrain, that none of the burdens of last summer would plague you, that you would simply be.

"Careful!" Suguru shouted, tugging your body away from the road.

The pair of you stumbled, the angle on the hill incorrectly distributing your body weight. You fell backwards, colliding unexpectedly with his chest, causing the pair of you to go slipping. Before Suguru could ground himself, your legs entangled with his, snagging his ankles and dragging him downwards. With a grunt, his breath was propelled from his lungs as you landed right on top of his ribs, accidentally compressing his diaphragm. Clutching his side, he rolled closer to the leafy brush besides the road, still cautious of the incoming cars despite the fact he looked as though he was practically dying.

You didn't come from the collision unscathed. Despite the fact you had unintentionally used the dark haired boy's body to break your fall, you knee scraped against the cobbles and you bit your tongue. The clash of bone and muscle causing a blinding pain to flash against your mouth as you winced, crimson iron tickling your taste buds as you unfortunately drew blood. This pain distracted you from your position as you quickly drew your hand to your lip, immediately overreacting and believing the injury was worse than it felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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