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I was going to leave the office when Ikbir said to me " Before going to your shopping I will call some of my men's for you

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I was going to leave the office when Ikbir said to me " Before going to your shopping I will call some of my men's for you.. Then you will go to.. Your shopping " I looked at him my eyes gazed at his eyes "You know I can go by my own" I rolled my eyes at him with displeasure He took further step looking at my eyes grinning at it "I know you can go by your own but because you are my woman I will give you every protection you need" I shook my head confusingly he chuckled did the same "I think today you left your brain somewhere else,right? " I said to him with annoyance He looked at me I looked at him he parted his lips to say something but at that time his other men's came and said "Sir you called us? " He sighed and nodded to them "Yes.. You will be with her for her shopping " I was going to make my way with his men's I look at him last time when he looked in my soul looking at my soul like he will RIP me off today because of what I said I clear my throat as I went out of the office rolling my eyes at him

I sighed and looked at his men. I said "lead the way " His men nodded at me as they led the way outside I was going to make my way too..when My eyes suddenly went to the reception side there was a woman laughing with our organization man I thought at some point who's she? Why she's here? Why Ikbir took her ? He never did this when I joined this organization! Wait what I am thinking no.. Why I am feeling like this she's a woman she can do her job I look forward as My heels tapping echoed the stairs as we all went outside I saw a black car I look at the organization once again. I sighed as I made my way to the car as I sat in the car back seat and his men in the driver seat there was one more car behind it also has his man I sighed thinking I can't even do my shopping like an independent woman now

ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ᴘᴏᴠ ★

Meanwhile, Ikbir made his way to his home knowing that Divya is safe with his men's out there he took a deep sigh looking at the road when he was driving his car he went to his mansion it has a big living room a Scandalaire in middle it has stairs he looked at his room door as he made his way upto his room he opened his door he look at side big portrait he took that portrait and put that down there was Divya picture everywhere in that wall he touched her pictures with his hand saying to himself "You are mine in this birth and other ones too.. " He smiled "You are totally mine My little toy! " He took the potrait from the ground He looked at Divya picture once again as he put the potrait at the wall after putting the potrait he touched that potrait "I will love and devour you.. You will know that you are not living in hell but heavan.. In my given heaven" He made his way to the light switch he turned the light on he looked at his bed it was a large king type bedroom he looked at walls of his room His room wall has only colour of black and white just a darkness he went to his bathroom he took his bath he took his shirt , pants and blazer from the wardrobe. He put his shirt pants and belt it was white shirt with black pants he has black belt. He took his blazer and put it on he looked at himself in the mirror as he took his casio brand watch from the drawer putting it on the the wrist as he looked at the mirror he grinned as he made his hair as he made his way to his car to go in the party . Meanwhile, Divya Looked here and there she talked to herself "This is looking fucking expensive parlor" She looked at Ikbir man asking him " Are you talking about this parlor Ikbir talked about? " His man nodded She get shocked.She made her way in the parlor as the styling of hairs started they gave her a bold feminine makeup with satin dress The parlor girls made her hair wavy they put the mascara on her eye lashes she looked at herself in the mirror the Parlor girls said " You are done sweetheart.. " They chuckled She smiled as I put my high heels made my way to give the bill she said looking at the lady "Mam your bill your colleagues are so good " Bill lady smiled at her " Your bill is already done " She get confused she looked at bill lady "Wait what? Who did the bill thing? " Bill lady smiled at her " Ikbir singh " Divya eyes widened when Ikbir men said " We are getting late let's go.. Mam! " Divya looked at Ikbir men's she has no other choice but to nod at them she went with them thinking Why Ikbir give all of her bill thing? She sighed as she sit in the car back seat thinking about this whole scenario in mind

ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ᴘᴏᴠ ᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ★

I was still in the car backseat when driver stopped the car saying "Mam.. We are here! " I nodded I Open the car door I look At the villa I was going to ask the driver if he took me here by mistake or not but he lefted I cleared my throat "See relax! I know I didn't went to any parties it's my first one.. So.. Calm down and lets go.. " I sighed as I went in the villa I look behind once again " I hope today party night will be incredibly best! " I look forward I look at Ikbir man who was looking at me like he wants to talk about something I went to him "Something to talk about? " He nodded he whispered "Kisalay is here! "I nodded to him he nodded back at me I looked forward smiling And composed myself I thought I didn't know who kisalay is...Just a mafia with a dangerous look? Maybe yes..I sighed as I took my steps to the party hall My heels echoed the party hall. I look at the people in party There were Mafias, Ikbir relatives and His friends and I gazed  at the party hall which has dancing ladies on stage the party hall. All were looking at me suddenly my eyes went to him.. That person who is ruthless who lives in darkness who is cold to all who can kill someone if he wanted to.. I look at his blue eyes He looked at me . He took further step in my direction I don't even know when I move my steps to his direction at same time. "Good afternoon little toy" He said looking at me grinning at me "Good afternoon..." I said smiling at him I was hesitant because of my looks I don't if he likes it or not "You look gorgeous Little toy! Just my type" He said looking at me from up to down I looked at him thinking about how he can read my mind he's something a witch? Might be who knows? I look at him I smiled "Thanks Ikbir" He smiled looking at me smiling when he kissed my hand knuckles I smiled hesitantly "aa.. You see I didn't know that Nikhil ahuja will held this party so sudden" He chuckled looking at me when he parted his lips and said "But he already did My little toy! " I smiled looking at his figure shirt pants blazer that dangerous yet soft look I smiled as I nodded He smiled "Thinking about something my Little toy?" I smiled looking at him "Drinks? " He smiled looking at me "Ofc little toy! Wait I will come with you" I nodded when guest stopped him I nodded him to wait until I come . I made my way to the bantar I said to him "Two wines Please Make Mine one light.. Second one a little heavy" He smiled at me He parted his lips when he said "Heavy one? I don't think you will drink that??! " I nodded to him in agreement "It's not for me but him " He looked at Ikbir he gulped in fear he nodded "Sure Ma'am" I nodded to him but the thing is he fear him actually all people fear him All know who he actually is Dangerous Mafia boss if someone doesn't listen to him he just kill that person right there without even thinking I tapped my finger on the desk Waiting for drinks


"Here is your Drinks Ma'am " I nodded to him when I took the Tray I was looking at Ikbir who was actually Looking at me most of the time when I was In bantar but my clumsy self I got hit by Someone and spilled My one drink At him but drinks were safe but his Blazer wasn't "Sorry... Sorry.. I didn't mean to.. " I said taking my handkerchief I didn't even looked at him I started Cleaning his blazer When he said "Mia cara! Look at me.. " I looked at him when I looked at him when I Gulped and said to him "Sorry Sir..I didn't mean to.." He grinned looking at me "Mia cara!Don't say sorry..It wasn't your mistake" He was going to touch my face when Suddenly Ikbir stopped his hand "Don't.. Kisalay.. "Ikbir gazed at him dangerously that he will eat his soul raw I looked at Ikbir "I- It's okay Ikbir let's go.. " I said pulling his shirt softly He looked at me and left Kisalay hand and he held my wrist suddenly"You will be with me all the time understood? " I cleared my throat as I nodded to him When kisalay also grabbed my wrist "She will be here with me, Will you Mia cara? " He said looking at me when I looked at him when Ikbir grip became tighter both were gazing at each other Dangerously I gulped looking at both of them Thought he waheguru ji! Where I got stucked between these two!

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