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Greetings to all of you! We are Mercan and İnci. Two friends who love to write. We are from Turkiye.  This account and the book we are announcing now belong to us. We worked hard to publish this book and we believe that one day we will be rewarded for our efforts.

Let's give you some information about this book. A new chapter will be added to the book once a week (except the About and Introduction) and it will be published every Saturday starting next Saturday. We will continue this order until the academic year starts.

If there is a change in our schedule, we will share it with you here:

Next year is our exam year, so we won't do any chapters. We will have a season finale at the end of the summer and continue writing the book the following summer.

There is no age limit for the book, but the audience is between 13-17 years old. There may be +18 phrases, of course, but we will definitely put a warning in front of them.We will also put warnings on the parts with violence and triggering elements.

We are aware that we are taking a risk, because such books are not popular on Wattpad. Unfortunately, since Wattpad is used by a certain adolescent audience, people misunderstand this platform and see it badly. We want to change that.I hope our dreams won't just be dreams. We can realize them and be successful. Of course, your support is very important in this regard.

Thank you in advance, goodbye.

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