4: Embarrassment

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Izuku POV: 

I walk into the classroom with an open mind hoping that I can get help and maybe even...advice. I put behind all the things that Ashido could possibly do with this info. She's currently doing her homework right now. I approach her with a goal set in mind.

She notices me. "Back from lunch early I see?" She still hasn't raised her head.

"Things got a bit hectic back there but nevermind that..I need some help. I'm in a little bit of a dire situation right now." 

"Oh yeah, no problem. I can help you. What's the issue at hand exactly?" She says looking up at me.

I hesitate a little before saying, "Well it's about...Uraraka." I say with embarrassment. Her eyes light up and she says, "I absolutely friggin' knew you would come around to it dude!" She says before she fist bumps my chest with a big ol' smile.

That kinda hurt. "Well I'm not saying it's anything romantic or anything. I just need some help with sorting stuff out with her." I say making her pout and the sparkle in her eyes dwindle a little.

"Well I'm fine with as long as it involves you and her being close to each other." The sparkle still remains.

Phew. At least she also came to her senses and isn't an absolute shipping machine. Though that's probably only because of her homework.

"I'll help you out later at the dorm. I need to finish this first." She says looking back down at her homework sheet.

??? POV: 

These kids are getting out of hand. The commotion at the cafeteria was caused by him and Iida having an argument involving Uraraka. And now this? Good thing there isn't any rules against dating or else these two little teenagers would have to get expelled. If there wasn't the lots of amount of commotion at the cafetaria earlier I wouldn't have even cared. 


Izuku POV:

Here we are, back again for the second time with Ashido. We're discussing stuff about Uraraka just like before. But this time she has permission to enter my room and she's looking extra dapper with that suit.

I don't comment on it or anything but she can tell that I'm put off by the suit. "Okay look Midoriya you might be wondering why I have a suit on but that's because this is the only ship that I'm invested into right now and it has an actual chance of sailing."

"Ashido I told you we weren't going to talk about any romantic stuff between me and Uraraka. So let's just keep it at a minimum okay? Also you better not tell Uraraka about this."

"Psshhhh, why would I?" She says as she side eyes me before grabbing the chair from my study desk and putting it next to my bed. She tells me to lay down on the bed. "A-Ashido I asked for advice not a therapy session." I say as I sit down on the bed.

"Just deal with it. Also I told you to lay down right?"

"I can't lie to you, I'm submissive but I'm not that submissive."

"Heh, sure."

"W-What's that supposed to mean?"

"Noooothing," She says we a cheeky tone. "Now how about we get to the Q&A huh?"

"Wha— Q&A? I never said that. How do you keep twisting my words so much?!"

"Didn't I tell you to deal with it?"

"Just start this stupid thing already!"


"First tell what's the current situation between you guys right now." She says readying her pen to presumably write some stuff down.

"Well it's definitely very awkward. Especially these last few days but I feel like we've been maybe getting closer to each other. But that's just wishful thinking. It was just two interactions afterall." I say recalling the last two days.

"Okay so you're telling me that you feel like you two have been getting closer together right? But the relation between you guys feels awkward." She says writing stuff down on her clipboard. "Would you mind telling me what those two interactions are?"

"No." I say with straight face. Absolutely no stutters to be found.

"Okay then. These last two interactions must be pretty nice for both of you to not tell me."

"I heard rumours while walking back to the dorms from school that there was an insanely unbearable amount of awkwardness back at the cafeteria revolving mainly around you and Iida. Is this true?"

"Yes, can we not bring that up anymore? It just feels like a really bad experience for me." I say with a muffled voice as I bring my knees up to my face.

"Right, sorry. So I think that will be all. I'm sorry to say, but I can't help you with this one."

"What?! I thought you were good at this type of stuff." I say jolting back up from my curling position.

"Yes, I'm good at stuff like this but I'm more used to dealing with conventional love where it's more like a secret while you on the other hand, well you have almost the entire school knowing about this. I'm sorry to say but I can't help with this." She says standing back up and putting my chair back under the table. 

"Well thanks I guess."

"No problem. I'm rooting for you Midoriya!" She says walking back out the room.


To be honest this is a shorter chapter. Only 876 words. I also feel like I haven't been staying true to Izuku's character so I'll try to be a bit better at his character.

One more thing, I'll probably stop this story's production at five chapters to work on "The Glitched Successor." I can't just leave one of my stories to die. But rest assured I'll still work on this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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