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AGE : 26


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AGE :25

Peep in the story

Scene 1
" they are not mine gill !! i am telling you for fucking 1000th time!" ishan said throwing pillow at shub
" they look exactly like you ish !! look at their eyes .. " shubman reasoned
" then both of them have dimples also shub then what you think !! these babies are not yours !!" ishan shout again
" calm down ishhu !! relax .. they are not ours okay we are just stuck with them . okay!!" shub explained.

Scene 2
" ish.. don't tell me you are producing milk ?" shubman almost shout looking at ishan 's fluffy chest which are leaking something.
" it's  so fucking wiered shub .. my body is feeling so weired !!" ishan said looking at his chest too

" shubi i can't  handle it !! they are crying .. if i am producing i should just feed them!" ishan said looking at those babies crying so much.
" baby ! you sure ?" shub said looking at him with a doubt

Scene 3

" they are so cute na ishhu!!" shub said
" hmm.. they have these cute dimples just like you !!" ishan said tracing shub dimple.
" i am happy that i got stuck here with you baby .. maybe it was all destiny . it looks like we are happy family ." shub said looking at them .
" yeah! i am feeling so lucky to experience motherhood even bieng a male ." ishan said looking at the kids playing.
" hmm.. remember how shocked we were when we found you producing milk." Shub said
" I Wonder if i can get pregnant too?" Ishan said thinking
" wanna try ?" Shub asked getting a punch in back
" don't you try !!  to hit on me you only said na it will me more good if you were not with me that day so you would not be here stuck with ishman and shubhisha  but on a date with sara." Ishan said glaring
" i am fucking fool ish !! How can i even thought that i was in love with sara ? Thank god i came with you instead ishh ! Thank god we both got stuck with ishman and shubisha
Thank god ! I fell in love with you here !!" Shub said hugging ishan

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