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After informing rohit about the outing ishman go to the beach through the car arranged by hotel.
There is silence in the car. Ishan is looking outside of window and  shubman as usual is looking at ishan.

Soon the reach the beach which was already booked by anshuman. Although ishan had decided that he will also pay for it to anshu half but now as gill has also come ishan will make sure he will also pay.

Ishan was thinking it while walking in to the beach and as soon he reach he was so mesmerised.
It was a private beach of reasort in mumbai certainly called alibaug.

" it' s so beautiful !!" Ishan exclaimed But shubman's eyes were not on beach but on something we all can guess clearly

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" it' s so beautiful !!" Ishan exclaimed
But shubman's eyes were not on beach but on something we all can guess clearly.

" hmm.. surely mesmerising!" Shubman said looking at the same person.

Ishan look at shubman whose eyes were fixed on him.

" why anshuman still not reached here ? Let me just called him." Ishan said fastly moving his gaze away from shubman's intense eyes.

Shubman just nod still looking at ishan.

Anshuman picked up the call and inform that he might be late because he is currently stucked in traffic. Ishan understand it and saud anshuman to reach soon.
Then while looking at shub said.

" Anshuman got stucked in traffic . I think he will reach late here." Ish said

" it's okay let's just us enjoy the view ." Shubman said .

They both were looking at the calming waves of sea . It soon started to feel peaceful untill shubman phone rang.
Shubman took out his phone from pocket and it was showing

' SARA!♡'

Shubman looked at ishan first who seemed not to be affected.

" actually i forgot to tell about cancellation of date." Shubman said and cut the phone of sara while message her that he is sorry because he got a very very important work to dealt with so he cannot come.

Till then ishan was looking at waves. They seem to be very calm . Ishan is feeling same ache in heart again. Ishan remember the days of friendship with shubman ir used to be lots of fun .
Suddebly he saw somethung which make his eyes wide.

It was golden pit it sea near the seashore. He was so mesmerised so he  starts to go there and it was not so wiered that as soon as ishan start to walk towards the golden pit the colour of sky change making beach look totally different.

 He was so mesmerised so he  starts to go there and it was not so wiered that as soon as ishan start to walk towards the golden pit the colour of sky change making beach look totally different

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