Part- 30

134 13 7

Scene: SNU Hospital - At ground floor-

(Wonwoo is taking medicine for mingyu from Pharma and Then hema arrives in the nearby reception area in with luggage in her hand and she was worried. Wonwoo notice her.)

Wowoo: Is this the Indian girl Hema that Jungkook told me about...I have to meet her...!!

(He taken one step, then the nurse comes running and told him.)

Nurse: mr wonwoo The doctor is calling you...quickly...let's go....!!

(Wonwoo just dropped this plan to approach hema and went to Mingyu's room who was on the 3rd floor.)

(Here hema who asking about Min-gyu's room.)
Receptionist- that's on 3rd floor xxx room...!!!

Hema: thank you vm...!!!
(Sounds: Beeping monitors, soft chatter in the hallway.)
(Hema enters the hallway on the 3rd floor, looking lost and exhausted. Wonwoo notices her.)

Wonwoo: (Sighs) Miss Hema (under his breath)

(Hema turns at the sound of her name, surprised.)

Hema: Wonwoo...!!!

Wonwoo: (Hurries over) Thank goodness you're here! I saw you downstairs by the reception. I was in the pharmacy... couldn't come meet you... the doctors needed some medicine for Mingyu's treatment... uh... Miss Hema?

(Hema's face pales, and she starts to sway. Wonwoo reaches out to steady her.)

Hema: (Mumbling) Mingyu...

(Hema's luggage falls with a thud. She slumps unconscious in Wonwoo's arms.)

Wonwoo: Nurse! Help!

(A nurse rushes over and helps Wonwoo lay Hema on a nearby chair.)

Nurse: Call for Dr. Kim, stat! Looks like she fainted.

(Wonwoo and nurse took her to a room.)

(Cut to a hospital room - a female doctor speaks in a calming voice.)

Doctor: Nothing to worry about, she's just a bit faint. Stress and low blood pressure. Looks like she's exhausted, haven't slept in a while. By the way, who are you to her?

(Hema stirs and weakly opens her eyes.)

Hema: (Voice hoarse) My brother, doctor.

Doctor: (Smiling) Okay, then. Now, let's get you some rest, alright? You'll be feeling better in no time.

(The doctor finishes examining Hema and leaves the room.)

Scene: SNU Hospital - Room 304 (Continued)

Hema (weakly): Wonwoo... can I see Mingyu?

Wonwoo: (Hesitates) Um, yes, but you're not fully recovered yet...

Hema (determined): No, I'm fine now. I want to apologize to him.

Wonwoo: Apologize? (Confused)

Hema: Ah... please take me to him. (Looks at Wonwoo pleadingly)

Aise Mujhe Tum Mile 🌹 < JUNGKOOK FFWhere stories live. Discover now