The Ripping Textile

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(Xingqiu POV)

Another day of school is finally over! Time to meet up with Chongyun and go to Wanmin restaurant. Now, where is Chongyun anways?
Oh, there he is! He is ..talking to someone on the phone?
I creeped up on him and...

Chongyun  got frightened before seeing me and sighed. But I'm sure he was happy to see me!

"Xinqiu... Please quit scaring me like that!"

Before I could say anything Chongyun continued to talk to the person on the phone.

"Really? I'll go there right now then. Bye."
Chongyun ended the call before turning to me.

"Sorry Xingqiu change of plans. I need to go check a graveyard that is said to be haunted by several spirits! Or ghosts! I might actually see one this time!"

"That's really unfortunate...Yun, how about I come with you?"

"Sure, but why?"

"I just want to accompany my dear friend! What other reason would I have?"

"You just want to see how disappointed I will be when I won't be able to see an actual spirit.."

"Noo! Of course not! Besides don't get your hopes down. You might actually see one this time!"

"Right! Let's go then!"

"Where exactly are we going?"

"I'm not sure actually, I usually just follow the directions my Auntie sends me."

With that he got up and started walking. I followed him and we just started a conversation.

"Soo how was your day Yun?"

"It was fine...No actually it was really boring all day."

"Is it because you didn't see me all day~?"

I said to tease him. But I was only half teasing. He looked at me a while kinda judgingly, how he usually looks at me when I tease or prank him. He doesn't usually mean it though.

"It may be that,or maybe it's because I didn't really hang out with anyone today. How was yours?"

"It was alright. I may or may not have pranked Miss Yae."

"Again!? I can't believe she hasn't callen you out or anything. I bet she knows it's you who does the pranks but she favors you so she ignores it."

"That may be it but it's still convinient for me so it doesn't matter."

"You should just give her a break.. What was your prank for today anways?"

"I put some paint on her seat."

"But she noticed it the second she came into the classroom! And since Scara was kinda arguing with Mona at the time Miss Yae told scara to sit on her chair. He was too angry to notice that it had paint on it and sat down. After the class ended and he finally got up some people like Mona started laughing while other people were too scared to say anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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