Chapter 2- Spreading my Wings

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I woke up the following morning, feeling sick and exhausted.

"Sweetie we're nearly late for church" Mum said. She came in and found me lying in my bed.

"Babe what's wrong?" She asked

"Mum I'm not feeling very well, My throat is aching and I feel tired." I said.

"Oh ok take some pain killers, if the pain persists, you can book an appointment to see a doctor" Have some rest baby, I'm going to go to church." She said

"Ok bye, Mum" I said. My phone vibrated but I was too fatigue to check who it was, It then vibrated again, I realised that it was Trey.

Hey sweetie, How are you today?

Not too good.... Trey I'm so ill.

I will be right there

I heard a knock at the door, my Mum had left the door unlocked which saved me from walking all the way downstairs with my weak legs. I heard someone closing the door.

"Jess where are you honey?" Trey said.

"Right here", I yelled my voice felt strained and sounded raspy. Trey quickly rushed upstairs as soon as he heard me.

"Sweetie are you ok?" he said looking apprehensive

"No I am so sick" I reply yawning

"Did you take anything?" he said.

"I took pain killers. Aren't you supposed to be doing something? You didn't have to come here you know, you can go back if you want to." I said

"No I'm not going anywhere Jess, I'm staying right here with you, did you eat anything?"

"No I didn't, I don't have appetite" I said.

"Come on sweetie, you have to eat something. Ok I'll cook for you" he said.

"No you don't have to stress yourself for the sake of me!" I exclaimed.

"Yes I do, you're my friend and care about you"

"Ok so what would you like to eat?" he asked.

"Maybe tea will do for now" I retorted. He stayed with me and even cooked lunch for me, he even sang for me to make me feel better, I found that very sweet. He's indeed a true friend, I think I sort of misjudged. After a couple of hours he left.

"Get well soon, sweet cakes" he said leaving.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate what you did for me today." I said.

"No problem sweetie pie", he replied.

Within 30 minutes of his departure my mum arrived from church, she rushed upstairs to check on me.

"Hey hun how are you feeling?" she said.

"I'm still unwell", I replied.

"How was church?" I asked.

"It was really great"

"Tremaine came to see me, he just left about half an hour ago" I said.

"How sweet of him, bless him" she said. The rest of the day went well except for the agony, I was still feeling in my body. My phone started to vibrate I knew I had just received a message....It was Trey.

Good Morning babe..... How are u feeling? Have the pain killers worked? Is your throat better now? I hope you're well...Trey. Xxx.ox

My reply

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