Chapter 24: Happy as ever!!

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4 months later...

Trey's PoV

I have been in Canada for 4 months, it's very different from Atlanta because Atlanta is full of life whereas here everyone just kind of minds their own business, it's kind of boring too.  I wish I could return to Atlanta but I'm actually stuck here. I recently started college and work, I have made a few friends but it will never be the same without my queen Jessalyn, I miss her to bits. I honestly can't live without her. I would rather die than be without her. She's my everything and the air that I breath. I miss her beautiful voice and angelic smile. I'm still very excited about being a father, it's just a blessing. I can't believe Jess and I we'll start a family. It's gonna be so incredible, we may be young but I'm sure we'll handle being parents to our gorgeous baby boy on the way. I can't stop envisaging myself with him, I'm constantly picturing what he'll look like. I'm just so thrilled, I can't wait to see him in about 7 months time! "Hey man are you ok?" Luke says walking into my room.

"Yeah man, I'm cool" I say putting my phone on the charger.

"Really? you don't seem happy dude, what's up man, is there something bothering you?" he asks sitting on my bed.

"Yeah man, you really know how to read my mind don't you Luke" I say grinning.

"Come on man, you're my little bro homie, I knew there was something going so what is it tell me lil dude" Luke said smirking.

"Man I'm missing Jess, I can't cope without her especially knowing that she's pregnant and we are apart is just tearing me apart. I feel so empty without her by my side, I love her"

"I totally understand man, I miss her too but you just have come to terms with everything that has happened regarding us moving here and try to be brave as a man, just man up Trey, you can stay in touch with her, I'm sure you'll feel less stressed out, you'll be okay bro" Luke says reassuringly says.

"Thanks man, I will do that " I said giving him a brotherly hug. Luke actually made me feel better. He's the best big brother, I've ever had. He's goofy, crazy, cool and kind. We may have our moments, we may fight at times but that will never break our bond.

Jess's POV

My belly was starting to get very huge, I didn't really care if people stereotyped me or judged me. I was actually looking forward to having this baby. I'm now 4 months pregnant. A lot has happened during these past months. I recently took exams and decided to drop out of college because of my pregnancy. I'm actually proud of what I have accomplished so far. I'm not proud of myself for the definitive verdict I have made, regarding dropping out but I really don't have a choice, I guess not all things go according to plan. I have taken a gap year which means I will reinstate to college next year and then I will go to university the following year after I have finished college. Mum, Kyle and I have been doing our best to decorate my son's room. I can't believe I will be giving birth in 5 months time. I'm still a little nervous about going through the whole process though, but I'm sure I will get through it by God's grace. I have been staying in touch with Trey nearly everyday even though he has been slightly occupied, he still manages to prioritise time for me, which I appreciate a lot. I'm still missing him but I'm convinced, we'll see each other very soon. My Mum, Kyle and I are going shopping, we are gonna buy a few staff for my baby.

"What do you reckon, I should buy Kyle? I'm so puzzled right now"

"Don't be babe, there are a range of nice clothes to chose from. I'm sure you'll find something, plus Gloria and I are here to help so you have nothing to worry about Jess" Kyle reassuringly says smiling.

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