Chapter 3

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The next morning nobody pov as Nia got up she went to take a shower and got dress (picture on top) then she had brush her teeth and rinse her mouth out then she had walked out of the bathroom and saw that Kendall was still sleeping and that he was still naked then Nia had went downstairs and went into the kitchen then Nia had went to the refrigerator and got the eggs bacon and sausage then Nia had got the bread out and it it on the counter with the eggs bacon and sausage then Kendall had came downstairs dressed then he had walked into the kitchen and saw Nia was about to cook breakfast then Kendall had walked over to her then Nia say you're up about time then Kendall say what are you cooking then Nia say I am making breakfast then Kendall say okay then Nia started cooking breakfast with the help of Kendall then they had sat down and started eating then Kendall say what do you have plan for today then Nia say well I was going to see the girls today but I don't have nothing plan well that if Kelly don't text me saying that Gustavo need me and the girls for more songs or something then Kendall say well today me and you are gonna spend the whole day together then Nia say that sounds fun but that is until Lucy comes and ruins it then Nia had got up and took her plate into the kitchen and wash it and put it away then Kendall had came into the kitchen and wash his plate and put it away then Kendal say don't worry about Lucy it's just gonna be me and you then Nia say okay then Nia and Kendall had left the apartment

Lucy pov as I was at the park I saw Nia and Kendall and they been holding hands and talking and laughing then I had went over to them then I say what the hell is going on here then Kendall say I'm with my girlfriend then I say I'm your girlfriend then Kendall say no you're not then I say yes I am and we been together since you moved here then Kendall say no we haven't we never dated and that picture was just an accident to get get people to think me and you were together but we're not then I say you don't mean that then Nia say I'm going to go then I say yeah go bye then Kendall say no you can stay then I say why she gotta stay for then Nia say yeah I'mma go and let you deal with that but we can hang out when you are taking care of that thing right there then Kendall say okay then Nia had peck Kendall on his lips and he did nothing then she had walked away then I say what the hell you're gonna just let her kiss you like that when I'm right here then Kendall had walked away from me

Nobody pov as Nia was in the lobby just walking around then Kat and Shanya had walked up to her then Kat say hey we gotta get started on our apartment then Nia say oh yeah what else do got to get then Shanya say we got everything already and we can even get an indoor pool and a hot tub then Nia say well let's get to work then Kat say we need things for the hot tub and pool then Nia say let's go then they had saw the boys then Nia say is there anything else we're missing then Shanya say we can just pick it up as we go along cause I can't really remember what we need then Kat say well Griffin did say we can do our apartment anyway we want to do it then Shanya say all I know that it's gonna be better than the boys cause we rock then Nia say well duh we are called Destiny's Girls for a reason then Kat say let's make a list of things we need cause we got most of the stuff then Shanya say let Nia do it then Nia say I need a clipboard and a pen then Kat say got it right here then Nia started writing the list while Kat and Shanya was telling her what they need and stuff then James Logan and Carlos had saw Nia Kat and Shanya in the lobby and they were doing something then James say what can they possibly be doing now they always together then Logan say to be fair they are in a band then Carlos say but they have to be up to something cause why would Nia have a clipboard writing something down then Kendall had saw James Logan and Carlos and went over to them then Kendall say what are you guys doing then James say seeing what Nia Kat and Shanya are up to do you want in then Kendall say count me in then Kat say why are they just standing there watching us then Nia say cause they want to know what we're doing then Shanya say does James have a girlfriend then Nia say I don't know why then Shanya say well I have a crush on him please don't tell him then Kat say and I have a crush on Carlos then Nia say y'all better tell them and I'm not gonna tell them then Shanya say we can't cause we don't know if they feel the same way then Nia say ah I see then Kat say wait can't we like order some of this stuff then Nia say I did that yesterday so they should be here today then Shanya say okay then the delivery guy had came with a lot of boxes and packages and stuff then Kat say wow that's a lot of stuff then Nia say hey we gotta make it look good right then Shanya say damn right we do then Nia had sign for everything then the guy had left then Kat say how are we gonna get all this stuff to the apartment then Shanya had came with a cart then Shanya say got that covered then Nia say nice then Kat say wait did you been had that hat on then Nia say yeah I'm known for wearing hats backwards except for my beanie hats and this isn't my hat it's Kendall hat then Kat say nice then Shanya say you and Kendall are so cute together then Nia Kat and Shanya had got all the boxes and stuff and put them on the cart then Kat say Nia you can push it then Nia say hop on I'll give y'all a ride as well then Kat and Shanya had got on the cart and sat on the boxes then Nia had push the cart and got on the elevator then James say I want to know what are they up to with all that stuff  then Carlos say we will find out then Logan say or we could just ask them then Kendall say they aren't gonna tell us especially Nia then Logan say you're right

She will be mine a Big Time Rush love story Where stories live. Discover now