Chapter 5

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The next morning nobody pov as Nia had got up she went into the bathroom and took a shower she had wash her body real good then she had got out and dryer off and put on some lotion then she had put her on some deodorant then she had put on her bra and underwear then she had got dress (picture on top) then Nia had did her hair and makeup and she did her skin care routine then she had walked out of the bathroom and put her shoes on then she had went downstairs and left her apartment and went to the lobby

Nobody pov as Nia went to the lobby she saw Camille Kat and Shanya then Nia had went over to them then Kat say it's babymama then Nia say hi guys then Camille say you have a photoshoot today then Nia say yes then Kat say good luck then Nia say thanks guys then Nia had walked away and went to her photoshoot then Stella say you ready then Nia say yeah then Stella started taking pictures of Nia and her doing different poses and stuff

Kendall pov as I was at my apartment just sitting on the couch watching tv since I had nothing else to do cause Nia had photoshoots and stuff to do so I couldn't hangout with her then I heard the door open then I had looked at the door and saw it was Katie and Logan then I had went back to changing the channel on the tv then Katie say have you been here all day then I say yup then Logan say why aren't you with Nia then I say she's doing some kind of photoshoot  then I had saw Nia was on tv and she was at a red carpet and she had a baby bump then Katie had got the remote and turn the tv off then I say hey I was watching that then Logan say you don't won't to see that it's just Nia then k say and she's my girlfriend so give me the remote back then Kaite say no then I say Logan what do you know that I don't know then Logan say I don't know anything then he had left then I say Katie do you know anything then Katie say no I don't and if I did I would have told you cause your my big brother  then I say can I have the remote back then Kaite say no then I had got off the couch and left the apartment and went to the lobby then I had saw James and Carlos then I had went over to them then James say how you feeling then I say I'm okay then Carlos say what are you gonna do then I say about what then James say the whole Lucy think then I say I'm just gonna ignore her and just focus on me and Nia relationship then James say that's good to hear then Carlos say but she isn't gonna stop then I say I know then I had looked up at the tv that was on the lobby and I saw Nia on their again then I say wait Nia is pregnant then I had looked back at James and Carlos then I say did y'all know about this then James say we found out yesterday and we told her we wouldn't tell you and plus she's going through a lot right now and a lot has to do with the baby then I say wait she's pregnant with my baby then Carlos say yeah she is then I had walked always

Nobody pov as Nia was in her apartment just sitting on the couch writing in her song book then Logan had walked in and shut the door then Nia say what did you do now then Logan say well Kendall knows you're pregnant cause he was watching tv and you were on it at this red carpet thingy or something and he saw the baby bump then Nia say oh so that means he's on his way here then Logan say yes but what was you doing at the red carpet then Nia say I was there because of my new movie just came out "The Devil You Know part two" then Logan say ah I'm so proud of you then Nia say thanks then Logan say well I'm gonna go now bye then Nia say bye then Logan had left then Nia had went back to writing in her song book then Kendall had walked in since he still had the key then Kendall had shut the door the Kendall say why didn't you tell me that you are pregnant then Nia say  well hey to you too babe my day was going great then Kendall say why didn't you tell me then Nia say you seem busy with the band and making music and I didn't feel like dealing with Lucy and her bullshit then Kendall say Lucy is out of the picture I don't care what she is doing I block her number and everything else for a reason but you still could have told me and I could have been here helping you and taking care of you then Nia say so you're telling me that you would drop everything just to come and help me then Kendall say yes you are my girlfriend so of course I would drop everything and help you it's what boyfriends do then Nia say okay if you say so then Nia had put her book up and got up then Kendall say where are you going then Nia say well I'm going to my doctors appointment and then I'm going to go see Griffin then Kendall say I'm coming with you to your doctors appointment and before Nia could say anything Kendall had left the apartment and went back to his apartment then Nia had grab her keys and left the apartment and went down to the lobby and waited on Kendall

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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