💝First meeting or Meet Cute💝

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In the school:-

{2013- First standard}

On her first day of school, Sage entered the classroom with wide, curious eyes. She scanned the room and noticed a girl sitting alone. Gathering her courage, she approached and gently tapped the girl's shoulder.

"Hi, can I sit here?" Sage asked.

The girl looked up and smiled warmly. "Hi, I am Dora. Have a seat."

Sage settled next to Daisy, and soon, the two were engrossed in lively conversation, quickly becoming friends. Their chatter was interrupted when Sage felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see a tall boy with black hair and a radiant smile that instantly charmed her.

"Hi, I am Adrian. Actually, I want to talk to Dora. Can you sit somewhere else for a while?" he asked politely.

Though a bit disappointed, Sage smiled and nodded, rising to find another spot. She ended up beside the last bench, feeling a bit lost as she didn't know anyone else. Just then, the teacher entered and introduced herself, allowing the children some time to mingle.

Sage sat on the last bench, a small frown forming as she observed her classmates chatting animatedly. Everyone seemed to have friends except her. She glanced back at her original bench, but Adrian and Dora were nowhere to be seen, deepening her sense of loneliness. Tears began to well up in her eyes when two children approached, placing a black notebook in front of her.

"Hello, would you please fill out my slam book? I want to make new friends. Will you please...?" a sweet voice asked.

Sage looked up to see a beautiful girl smiling at her. "What's your name?" Sage inquired.

"My name is Keyaa. Will you please fill it out?" the girl replied, offering Sage a pencil.

Sage accepted the pencil with a smile and started filling out the slam book, her earlier sadness beginning to fade away as she made a new friend.

Meanwhile, Keyaa moved on to meet other classmates, leaving Sage alone with the boy who had approached with her. He stood there quietly, watching as Sage filled in her details. Sensing his presence, Sage looked up and met his eyes.

"You can sit here if you want to," she said with a small smile. "What's your name?"

The boy sat down next to her and extended his hand. "My name is Vlad. And you are?"

Sage noticed that Vlad held out his left hand and looked at it curiously. "Are you a leftie?" she asked.

Vlad nodded, and Sage, with a grin, shook his left hand with her own. "Hi, I am Sage. Nice to meet you, Vlad."

When Sage shook Vlad's hand with her left hand, he felt a warmth spread inside him. It was the first time someone had treated him like this without making fun of him. Everyone else in the class had teased him, but Sage was different.

Sage quickly finished filling out the details in the slam book, closed it with the pencil inside, and slid it towards Vlad with a small smile. "I filled it. Please give it to Keyaa."

Vlad nodded, his gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you for filling the details, Sage."

Sage leaned closer and gently pulled his cheek, making him smile wider. She then walked away, leaving a small paper on the table above the slam book.

Vlad picked up the note and read it:

"Don't look at me like that or else I will have a crush on you. 💗💗"

He felt his cheeks flush as he read the playful message, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Days turned into weeks, and the school routine settled in as teachers began their lessons. Sage arrived each day and took her usual seat beside Dora. Over time, she also befriended two more classmates, Mimi and Shreya.

Shreya was very short, and many of the children teased her because of it. One day during break time, Sage found herself alone in the classroom because Dora had joined her group of friends, Adrian, Katy, and Mia. Sage noticed some boys teasing Shreya and eating her food. Determined to help, she stood up and picked up Shreya's tiffin box.

"Don't tease her. Let her eat her food in peace," Sage said firmly.

The boys fell silent and shuffled back to their seats. Shreya, grateful for Sage's intervention, took her hand. "Thank you, Sage. Wanna be my friend? "

Sage nodded with a big smile. "Sure."

She brought her tiffin and sat down beside Shreya. They enjoyed their lunch together, finding comfort and joy in each other's company.

Mimi, on the other hand, was a quiet girl who often stayed in her own world. She never bothered anyone and rarely spoke unless necessary. The three girls became friends when they were paired together for a craft activity in class. Their collaboration during the project helped them bond, and soon they were inseparable.

Meanwhile, Vlad and Keyaa expanded their circle of friends to include Peyton and Ash. Vlad, who had a talent for drawing, spent most of his days sketching everything he saw. The day he met Sage and shook hands with her left a strong impression on him. He drew a picture to commemorate that moment.

He hadn't fallen in love with her or anything; he simply admired her from afar

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He hadn't fallen in love with her or anything; he simply admired her from afar. Every time Sage answered a question in class or received praise for her marks, which the teacher would announce, Vlad couldn't help but smile as he watched her eyes light up with joy.

Vlad was the kind of person who never took much interest in crushes or love stories. Yet, he couldn't forget that Sage was the only person in the class who had shaken his left hand like it was the most natural thing in the world.

He decided that Sage was just an extraordinary girl who was his friend.

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