🌟 Friends for the second time 🌟

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In school:-

{2014:- 2nd standard}

Sage and Vlad were now in second grade, remaining merely acquaintances. Each had their own circle of friends, and they seldom paid attention to one another.

One day, an announcement echoed through the school corridors: the music teacher was organizing auditions for the choir group. Vlad was eager to audition, and so was Keyaa. When the fourth period arrived—the time set aside for the auditions—they both headed to the music room with anticipation.

When they arrived, they saw Sage sitting with another girl from a different class, Ava.

Keyaa and Vlad approached them. "Hi, Sage," Keyaa greeted, waving, with Vlad following suit.

Sage waved back. "Hi Keyaa, Vlad. Are you two here for the singing auditions as well?"

"No, we're here for the free food being distributed," Keyaa replied with a grin. Sage laughed, and Ava's eyes widened with excitement.

"Wait, there's free food?!" Ava exclaimed.

Sage, Keyaa, and Vlad burst into laughter at Ava's reaction.

"Hey, why are you all laughing so loudly?" Ava asked, confused. They continued laughing until Keyaa regained composure.

"It's called being sarcastic, Ava baby," Keyaa explained, still chuckling.

Ava playfully slapped Keyaa's shoulder. "Hey, I'm not a baby."

Keyaa chuckled, cooing at her, "Sure, Ava, whatever you say."

Meanwhile, Vlad gently took Sage's hand and led her to the other side of the music room. Standing together, they exchanged a glance and suddenly burst into laughter.

In between laughs, Sage said, "I'm sorry, but your friend is a bit of a weirdo."

Vlad shook his head while laughing. "No, no, she's just too much of a mad bisexual person. I think she likes your friend."

Sage nodded, still chuckling, then looked at Vlad. "I don't know about those two, but shall we join the line for the audition? Let's go?"

Vlad nodded, but his hand began to tremble slightly. Sage noticed and asked, "Are you nervous or something?"

Vlad shook his head quickly. "No, no, I'm not nervous. Why would I be nervous?"

Sage smiled knowingly. She could tell he was nervous but didn't want to admit it. She gently pulled his cheeks and said, "First of all, you'll be great at singing. And second, even if you don't get selected here, it doesn't mean there aren't bigger stages than our assembly or auditorium. You can always audition elsewhere as you grow up. Not everyone can recognize talent immediately; if our music teacher doesn't see it, someone else will. Okay?"

Vlad felt a surge of happiness at her words; it was exactly what he needed to hear. He wanted to hug Sage and thank her, but it was his turn to audition. Instead, he playfully touched her nose and stepped forward. Sage chuckled lightly as she watched him go.

After Vlad, it was Sage's turn, followed by Keyaa, and eventually Ava.

All four of them were selected and instructed to attend choir practice regularly starting the next day.

From then on, Vlad, Keyaa, and Sage would meet up every day to fetch Ava from her class before heading to the music room. There, they would sit together, learning songs and making fun of the cringey lyrics of some tunes. They experimented with different instruments and played various games, reveling in each other's company. They truly enjoyed their time together, forming a bond over their shared love of music.

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