Chapter 1

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Muzan: Did you really thought that you had us cornered?! Your in our hell now! All of you pest will die this night!

Sukuna: Today we win! It's the end for all of you!

All For One: No matter how much planning you had, we're always going to be ahead!

The Infinity Castle, everyone was spread around, the heroes, sorcerers, demon slayers, devils. Everyone was taken by surprise.

One young man fell from the floor he was in as he gritted his teeth and looked at them in anger.

Yajin: You're the ones who are going to hell! This war doesn't end until I kill you!

Towa: Then do try your best. Yajin Hidashi!

"I will defeat you!"

Yajin: Towa!

Itadori: Sukuna!

Tanjiro: Muzan!

Izuku: All For One!

The doors of the Infinity Castle closed as each one of the young men fell further and further away from their enemy

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The doors of the Infinity Castle closed as each one of the young men fell further and further away from their enemy.

The one thing about never last. If anyone had told me I'd be fighting for the survival of the universe...I'd call them crazy. No amount of preparation can prepare you for the one thing everyone dreads.


(1 Year Ago)

Yajin and Akemi walked to school as both looked at their applications for Divine Academy.

Akemi: We have three sections. Hero, Hashira or Sorcerer. I don't know which one...I'm gonna go with Hero Course.

Yajin: I wish I could do all. I'll just choose all three.

Akemi: You can do that? Hell, I'll just choose one and not stress myself too much.

Yajin: I'm pretty sure they're all combined but you just get assigned to more specific tasks of that course.

Akemi: Who knows but I'm playing it safe and choosing Hero course.

They went to their classes and just submitted their applications to Divine Academy. Akemi went home but Yajin stayed late as he did a few sport clubs.

After Yajin was done, he saw the time was already 7:00. He checked his phone and saw a text from Akemi.

Akemi; Hey! Mom said to buy a pack of eggs.

Yajin walked to the nearest store and bought the eggs as he walked across the park to reach Dagobah. However he felt something strange.

Yajin gently placed his backpack down as he put it to the side. Quickly jumping to the middle where the water fountain was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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