47. Copycat

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Over my shoulder, eyes peeking in,

Analyze my every move, what current state I'm in,

It was the next day, you and Jack met up at the stairs leading to the second level, where majority of second year classes take place.

"Huh, didn'T expecting you to actually come, especially since we're skipping classes for this," you commented, leaning against the wall, Jack only crossed his arms, "I felt obligated to, nothing wrong with that," Jack huffed, you rolled your eyes and shrugged.

"Whatever you say darling, now come on, they said that Azul has music first period," you called, swiping Azul's schedule from your phone screen, you both started to walk down the hall, dodging the weird looks you got from the second years, but you spared a wave to Riddle when you saw him.

Riddle gave you a confused look and waved back hesitantly, the bell hadn't rung yet so he couldn't lecture you or the wolf with you, he expected that you were going to classes when the bell did ring and didn'T question it out loud.

First Period: Music

You and Jack were crouching down inconspicuously at the back of the room of the music room, it had clear projection so both of you would hear Azul's singing just fine.

You stared daggers at Azul as he started to sing, except he wasn't singing a song, he was just going up and down the scale with perfect projections, his vowels not missing a beat as he went through the notes, hitting pitch perfectly.

"Good to know he has the pipes I guess..." Jack commented under his breath, you shrugged.

Second period: Animal Linguistics

You were trying your best to keep your silent and spying composure as you observed Azul looking down at a cat, a composed face and a confident tone in his... meows— well as he communicates to the fat old cat that Trein owns. Was its name Lucy or something?

A small pause ensued between the pet and the student, before the black cat meowed out an answer, you could kind of understand, but you could only hear vocab words... something about treats and time, thats what you've heard.

"Ah, I see, dear Lucious says that the last treat you gave him was three hours ago," Azul translated out loud, turning to Trein with an expectant look, to which the older male nodded with a satisfied smile on his face, "Correct, well done Ashengrotto." Trein congratulated before writing something down on a clipboard.

"He can speak AND understand animals? Woah.." Jack mumbled, a bit astonished to see such a skilled upperclassman, you merely let out a huff, turning away to examine the blank screen on your phone.

Third period: potionology

You both watched in awe as Azul counted through the units of the materials, naming them by their scientific names, syllables rolling off his tongue like a song he's memorized as his eyes dart between the book and the cauldron sitting in front of him.

You bit back your snicker as Azul's partner, Jamil, let out the millionth eye roll next to the dorm head, a tired look on his face as he stirs the pot, and as Azul continues to showcase his talents to their professor, Crewel.

"And..." Azul dropped a selective palmful of blended herbs you didn't recognized, and the liquids in the pot popped into a bright purple and magenta shade, a cloud mushroom smoke poofing in the atmosphere, branding the potion as perfect as can be.

𝕋𝕎𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔼𝔻 ℍ𝔼𝔸𝕍𝔼ℕ [HIATUS] ➼Twisted Wonderland x Hazbin! F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now