51. I See A Dreamer

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Kings of Hearts, all in,

It's not a sin to want to win,

Your laid back and singing energy died down when you heard the voice, you turned your head to the owner, and there stood the male in all his glory, dressed the same as he was during the announcement of accumulating around 200 new staff members, holding the top of his staff as he smiled at you.

"Hello, Azul..." you spoke, turning on your heel to fully face him, Jack noticed the sudden appearance of the house warden himself, putting Ace back into his place and walking towards you, holding a stern look on his tanned face as he stood beside you.

"Hm, it must've been a harsh hour to be helping huh? Well thank you for assisting us tonight," Azul thanked, whether he was being genuine or not isn't in the question, you're here to fry bigger fish right now. You furrowed your eyebrows and crossed your arms.

"Let's skip the formalities," Jack spoke, he already spent enough time helping in a place for free of charge, letting his two peers slack off slightly. (And sparing concerning looks to the flame raccoon in the corner.)

Azul nodded with a smile, gesturing for the two of you to follow him to the back, looking at each other, you and Jack complied, both of you following Azul with cautiousness in your steps. Following him past the kitchen and restrooms, briefly the common room, and towards a door that stood alone at the end of the hallway.

"Where the heck are we?" Jack mumbled softly, he looked around the sea themed hallways and rooms, getting confused at the long and extensive halls you were all traveling through, your eyes were scanning every memorable little design, noting where you're going by where you've been.

Staying silent, you didn't answer Jack's question, both of you pausing when Azul put his hand on the door knob, opening the door with a small click sound, introducing you two a well decorated room. The walls were a light lavender, with shelves of books made of them, a big vault at the back wall behind the wooden desk with a chair, in front of it was two leather black couches, facing each other over a glass coffee table.

You bit your lip, you've never been in a position where YOU had to offer something, it was always the other way around, you always had it all, and to have your fate in the palm of someone else's hand... it scared you a bit.

"Well? Don't stand there, come sit," Azul offered, gesturing to the right couch as he settled down on the left, you silenced and hid the sound of you swallowing the saliva building up in your mouth, walking over to the unoccupied couch, sitting down, Jack following your actions.

"I heard from Jade that you'd be here for something, can I ask what it is?" Azul started off, looking much less tense and m,uh more relaxed than the both of you.

"I want you to get rid of those blue dildos- sorry, anemones from my friends," you replied, pretending to care for your mess up of words, you put on your deal making persona, trying to collect all of your advantages despite being the one making the demand.

Azul's smile strained slightly at your 'slip up', but he was quick to raise an eyebrow, "Why not all two hundred and twenty five?" Azul already had a guess, that you didn't care nor know the rest of the students. But in order for you to obtain the object he wants, he needs to raise the stakes or else you will turn the deal down.

Jack wanted to interject, appalled at just how many dumbasses had agreed to this absurd contract, but he kept quiet, he wasn't making the deal, you were. This was your business, it'd be rude to suddenly shout out, thats not what gentlemen or business men do.

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