𝕤𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕖𝕤𝕟𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕤𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟 𝟙𝟟 𝕪𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣

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Let us all look and enjoy the art above for a second bc it is so beautiful!!! 

Anywho, here is just a somewhat oneshot bc I'm still on writers block but I wanted to post something this week! :) 

Sophie sucked at sleeping because she believed sleep was overrated. And there were also nightmares. Even though the Neverseen were defeated years ago, she still had dreams about it. Sophie never liked to talk about it, even with Keefe, so she always made excuses to hide the truth. 

 It was the 3rd time in the week Sophie had woken up crying from another nightmare. She grabbed the alarm clock from the bedside table and groaned into the pillow when she saw the time—3:41 am. Sophie somehow found her way off the bed, (Keefe takes up a lot of the bed space and uses Sophie as a stuffed animal... so) and began to slowly walk downstairs. Sandor must have not noticed her leave the room, because he wasn't beside her until she made it to her office. "Nightmares again?" Sandor asked, and Sophie didn't respond because she knew he already knew the answer. So she just snapped her fingers and lights filled her office. It was a big office, with bookshelves, a reading nook, and most importantly, her large desk. She sat down on her desk chair and grabbed her memory log. 

Her memory log was the third log she had. Ever since all her nightmares, she would always project them into her log to see if there was anything important. There usually never was, but she always kept it in a locked drawer in her desk, that even Keefe couldn't access. This night was no different when she projected her dream into the log, just another fight with death and blood, the usual. But it always scared her, so she usually never looked at it more than once after she projected it into the log. Once she finished, she closed the log and put it back into the drawer before locking it.

Once she was done, she opened her largest drawer and took out a notebook labelled, "Nobility stuff". This was a notebook she got to write down any thoughts or ideas for her Nobility position. But it usually only was jots that were never used. Sophie was glad to do that instead of sleeping, anyway. 

She must have been writing for hours because once she looked up, the sun was coming up. She sighed but kept writing. After finishing 2 more pages, Keefe was walking into the office, frowning when he saw the dark circles under her eyes. "Sleep is still overrated, Foster?" he asked, as he walked to her desk. She nodded but still kept writing. "What are you writing?" Keefe said, trying to peer through her hand. "Just stupid nobility stuff I'm not going to use," Sophie mumbled. "Fair," he said, sitting on the desk, "did you have nightmares last night?" Keefe asked, and without her realizing it, she replied, "Yea, but I'm fine." Dang it, Sophie. Keep it together, he doesn't need to know. she thought to herself, mentally slapping herself. "It's been a while since you had one, so it must have hit hard," he said, before waving his arms in the air, "Wow, Foster your emotions are all over the place, are you sure you're good?" 

She nodded, but really wished she could tell him that she had been having nightmares but never told anyone for the last 17 years. But then something in her head clicked, "I'vebeenhavingnightmaresforthepast17yearsandnooneknowsandIjustdidn'twanttoworryyou!" she quickly said, before putting her head on the desk to muffle her crying. Keefe looked shocked, but sat next to her on the desk, holding her tight, before grabbing her hand and sending blue calming breezes to her. "You should've just told me," he whispered, sending another breeze. Sophie didn't look him in the eye, but replied, "I just didn't want to worry you," He sighed, then asked, "Do I wanna know what they were about?" 

Sophie got out of his arms and unlocked the drawer, taking out her memory logs. "Here, these are all the dreams I've logged," she said, before leaving the office, with Sandor following her. Keefe looked at the covers of the logs for a second before opening the first log, with the date from 10 years before. He felt tears well up in his eyes when he saw the dreams. From kidnapping, to death, to himself leaving her again. It was everything that he never wanted to happen. 

Once he finished reading enough, he closed the books before running back to the bedroom. "You shouldn't have to hide secrets from me, Sophie." he said from the doorway. Sophie looked back at him from the vanity, "I only do it because I'm supposed to be the perfect, supportive wife. I just want to be good enough for you." she said. Keefe began to walk to the vanity, "You are an amazing wife, and for us to be even better, you need to be honest with me." Sophie stood up, and faced him, "Okay, I'm sorry." she said. He gave a small smile before saying, "I love you, Foster." Sophie smiled too, before whispering, "I love you, too." before Keefe kissed her.

Thank you for living with this! Hope you enjoyed!! :) 

Also, I need your help for more ideas! So comment ideas for what you want to see next!

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