Chapter 1: Looks Like Home, but isn't...

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           When Megatron woke up, his vision was blurry and he couldn't see very well. He could see Arcee lying in front of him unconscious. But they weren't in the cave anymore. Megatron came to the conclusion that both groundbridges must have malfunctioned when they went through at the same time. Once Megatron regained his vision, he went over to Arcee and shook her to wake up. Arcee groaned, "Just a few more minutes." Megatron rolled his eyes at the stubborn Autobot femme, "Arcee, you aren't at the Autobot base. Nor am I at the Decepticon warship. You need to wake up so that we can figure out how to get home." Megatron ordered. Arcee bolted awake when she heard Megatron talking. She rubbed her optics, regaining her full vision as she did, "Where are we?" She asked.

                 "Looks like we're still on Earth." Megatron commented. "No shit, sherlock. But where on Earth?" Arcee asked. "Do you recognise anything?" Megatron asked. "It looks relatively similar to how to get to my base. But something's off..." Arcee trailed off as she stood up and walked. The sky was completely gray. There was a bunch of fog and there weren't any mountains near her base like usual. But she had a feeling that this was the way to get to her base.
          "How so?" Megatron grinned, "Nice try. But you're not getting the base location out of me." Arcee replied, Megatron's grin slipped away, "There's that bug." Megatron points to a similar car that looked like Bumblebee's vehicle form but it was dark colors, black and purple. Not his usual bright yellow and black colors, "That bug has a name, you know. It's Bumblebee." Arcee defended her teammate, "And that's not him. Those aren't his colors." She added. The car they saw was speeding. It looked like it was heading to some place in a hurry. Then, in the sky, a dark blue jet flew above them. Megatron recognised the vehicle as his second in command's vehicle form, Starscream.

          "That's Starscream." Arcee mentioned. "I see. How did that wrench get out of the cave before us?" Megatron seethed. "It wasn't and never was a competition. May I remind you, you caused the cave in when you were trying to terminate your second in command." Arcee reminded him. "He deserved it." Megatron said. "No one deserved to be terminated!" Arcee scoffs, "Hell, not even you!" she turns back around to face the two Cybertronians who were both speeding, "I wonder where they're going." Arcee said. "I wonder who they're fighting. Starscream is shooting at someone and so is that bug you consider your friend. But it's not at each other." Megatron said.
        Arcee wanted to rip Megatron's head off, "His name is Bumblebee!" She yet again defended her friend, "Stop terrorizing his name like you don't know what it is." Megatron chuckles evilly, "Seems like I've hit a nerve." Arcee groaned, "Look, I don't know where we are or if we are even on Earth still. So if we want to get back to our planet, then we need to put our differences aside and work together." Arcee reasoned with him. "And what's in it for me?" Megatron asked. "You don't have to worry about me ripping your head off." Arcee placed her hand on her hip. Megatron laughed, "You really think you can rip my head off? I'd kill you before you even get a servo lifted in the air." Megatron taunted, "It'd be worth a try." Arcee said. "Megatron! Arcee watch out!"
          Both bots heard Starscream yell from above. They turned around and saw a truck similar to the truck Optimus transformed into heading straight towards them. Megatron pushed Arcee out of the way before the truck went speeding past them. Megatron landed on top of Arcee when he pushed her out of the way. Once the coast was clear, Megatron got off of her and helped her stand up, "Was that.." Arcee asks, "Optimus? I think so," Megatron finished her thought for her. Bumblebee transformed next to them, "Are you guys alright?" Bumblebee asked.
         Arcee and Megatron's eyes widened. The Bumblebee they knew didn't have his voice box. He spoke through beeps that only Cybertronians can understand. Well, besides Bumblebee's human partner, Rafael who can surprisingly understand him very well. But this Bumblebee had his voice box.
       "Bee! You have your voice back? That's amazing!" Arcee says while hugging him. Bumblebee, however, didn't accept the hug and pulled away. Arcee was a bit confused and a tad uncomfortable, she backed away only to bump into Megatron's chassis. Arcee backed away from him, only for Megatron to pull her back towards him, to her surprise, Arcee let him pull her back. Neither of them felt safe around this Bumblebee.

        "What are you talking about, Arcee? I've always had my voice box. Even before the war." Bumblebee says confused at her reaction. "How did the war start?" Megatron asked. Bumblebee seemed to be taken aback by this question, almost like he didn't know how to answer it, "Are you kidding me?! You started this war! The Autobots only sided with you to help defeat Nemesis Prime!" Bumblebee argued. Megatron looked down at Arcee, "Sounds like Bumblebee." Megatron said. "Don't you mean Optimus Prime, Bumblebee?" Arcee corrected her teammate. "Optimus died when the matrix of leadership corrupted him and he became Nemesis Prime. Are you two okay? Or do you two need to have your brains checked out by Ratchet?" Bumblebee asked.

         "No, we're fine." Arcee assured him. "I'm calling Bulkhead and having him send a groundbridge." Bumblebee said and called the base. "Bulkhead, send a groundbridge to these coordinates. Arcee and Megatron have to get checked out by Ratchet." Bumblebee said. "Arcee and Megatron have been here the whole time, Bumblebee. Are you sure you're not the one who needs to get checked out?" Arcee heard her other teammate snicker on the other line. Bumblebee scoffed, "I swear, you wrench, I will tear out your voice box one day," Bumblebee hissed.
          This definitely wasn't the Bumblebee Arcee knew. She knew Bulkhead and Bumblebee made fun of each other often, but Bumblebee would never bring up a joke about ripping out someone's voice box. He went through so much trauma when his was ripped out by the mech she was standing next to. He wouldn't want anyone else to have to go through that pain. In fact, now that she's thinking about it, why wasn't Bumblebee freaking out that she was next to him? And why did Bumblebee openly invite Megatron to their base?
             "Just send a groundbridge. We have imposters." Bumblebee growled at Arcee and Megatron in front of him, "Coming right up. This is going to be fun to watch." Bulkhead snickered at the other end of the line and Bumblebee groaned with annoyance as Bulkhead hung up. A green and purple portal opened up in front of them, "You two are going to need to wear these." Bumblebee held out chassis cuffs in front of him. Megatron and Arcee looked at each other before complying to Bumblebee and let him put the chassis cuffs on them, "Starscream, I'm heading back to base with prisoners. Think you can handle Nemesis on your own?" Bumblebee says through his comm links. "Send my team. And Knockout. I may need medical assistance after this." Megatron heard Starscream say on the other end. But the voice was uncomfortably calm. It wasn't Starscream's usual hoarse, and mischievous voice that Megatron was used to. This Starscream's voice sounded more clear. And it didn't sound deceiving or mischievous.
              Megatron, Arcee, and Bumblebee entered what looked like the Autobot's base. Megatron had only been inside their base once and barely remembered what it looked like nor did he really care what it looked like. But it was bigger than he remembered. As if it was made for more bots, "Whoa. When you said imposters, you really meant imposters." Bulkhead said. Arcee looked shocked when she saw her old teammate. He was still Bulkhead, but his once blue eyes were now yellow. And his usual green paint job was now gray and purple. In fact, everyone changed. Ratchet's usual orange and white paint job was replaced with a deep purple, almost black. And his eyes were now red. And Smokescreen's usual white, blue and red paint job was now dark blue, purple and gray. And his eyes were also red. What happened to her teammates?

          Things only got more complicated when her twin and Megatron's twin came into the base, "Megatron, Arcee, we have imposters as prisoners." Bumblebee announces, showing his prisoners to the other Megatron and Arcee. The other Arcee, who wasn't in chassis cuffs, transformed her hands into blasters and aimed them towards Arcee. The Arcee who was in chassis cuffs stepped back as she was defenseless, Megatron stepped in front of her, even though he was defenseless too, he could take the hit better than she could.

           The other Megatron, who wasn't in chassis cuffs, put a comforting arm on his Arcee, telling her to lower her weapons, "What are your names?" The other Megatron asked. "Lord Megatron. And this is my current ally, Arcee." Megatron introduced themselves. "Well, this is going to get confusing really easily and really fast." The other Arcee says sarcastically. "How so?" Arcee in chassis cuffs asked. "Those are our names. Except, we don't call him 'Lord.'" The other Arcee said.

AN: I think this is my first Transformers Prime book I've made on this account. I hope I did okay, and I hope everyone enjoys it! I will most certainly be continuing this as I enjoyed writing the first chapter. But what do you guys think of the Megatron and Arcee team up paring? Let me know your reviews and please vote for my story! 🫶

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