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The next day, Jeia's alarm jolted her from a deep slumber. She got ready, packed her bag, and went downstairs for a quick breakfast before heading to college. Since she was early today, she decided to take the bus.

Upon entering college, she spotted Saniya. Jeia sprinted over to her. They both walked into the campus together.


As soon as we entered, the sight before me made me confuse, as few classmates spotted me and started laughing.

"Look, Miss Ugly is here," one student sneered.

"Jeia, how did you lose so much weight?" another mocked.

"Oh, it must be some eating disorder," a guy added.

I was taken aback, unable to comprehend what was happening. Some people gave me sympathetic looks while others joined in the ridicule.

"Jeia, Aarav sent your pictures in the group last night," my classmate said with concern, showing me the chat.

As more people mocked me, memories from my school came flooding back.


"Look, Miss Fatty is here," Aarti my classmate said, pulling my ponytail.

"Oh my god, she is so ugly." Vaniya added slapping me.

What's wrong, Jeia? Cat got your tongue? Or are you just too scared to speak?", my senior Aakash mocked me
"Aww our jeia is crying?", he added mocking me as tears brimming from my eyes

"She deserves to die," aarti said, emptying a juice can on my head.

"Dharti ka boj," vaniya muttered, pushing me onto the ground. And the three of them walked away
(Burden of the earth)

Flashback ends

All those haunting memories resurfaced, and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Jeia, are you okay?," Saniya said, shaking me.

"Will you guys stop it already?" I heard her yell at our classmates, but it didn't stop them.

"San-saniya muu-jhe yaha se jaana hai please", I said, my voice trembling. Without waiting for a response, I made a run for it.
(Saniya, I need to get out of here. Please)

I ran, tears brimming in my eyes threatened to fall, bumping into various people in the corridor, but I couldn't care less. All I wanted was to hide. I thought I had finally gained confidence after all these years, but I was wrong.

I collided with someone hard, losing my balance. Before I could fall, a hand caught me. I looked up to see the face of the person who had planned this whole scene. I yanked my hand away and ran, my heart pounding in my chest.


As I walked towards the classroom, a girl bumped into me hard. She stumbled, and I instinctively grabbed her hand to steady her before she could fall. When she looked up, I realized it was Jeia. Her eyes were moist, tears welling up, making her look vulnerable-something I'd never seen before.Before I could ask what was wrong, she yanked her hand away and ran off.

"Issey kya hua?" I said, feeling confused.
(What happened to her)

Just then, Saniya came running towards us, calling Jeia's name. I stopped her. "Tumhari iss friend ko kya hua?" I asked.
(What happened to your friend)

"Ye tum puch rahe ho, Aarav?" she snapped, her eyes blazing with anger. I was baffled.
(You are asking me this, aarav?)

"You should be ashamed of what you did to her. I thought you were a good person and Jeia misunderstood you, but I was wrong," she yelled at me.

"But what did I do?" I asked, bewildered.



Jeia ran and ran until the college was not in the sight. She could no longer hold back her tears. Collapsing to her knees, she buried her head in them and let the sobs take over. Passersby on the sidewalk glanced at her with curiosity and concern. Her body trembled as painful memories from past resurfaced.Tears stained her face, leaving salty trails down her cheeks.

After some time, she managed to get up
Her eyes were red and swollen.Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself and continued on her path. Her only goal was to reach her room.

At Singhania Global Enterprises,

"Give me the keys. I need to grab some papers from my study."Vihaan instructed his driver

The driver quickly handed over the keys. Vihaan wasted no time, igniting the engine he rode off to his Mansion


As I focused on driving, a small figure on the sidewalk caught my eye. It was Jeia. I pulled over and rolled down the window.

"Tum yaha kya kar rahi ho?" I asked, my voice cold. Noticing her red eyes,had she been crying?
(What are you doing here?)

"Mr. Singhania, aap?" Jeia's voice quivered slightly. "Actually, I wasn't feeling well. I think I have a fever, so I was heading home."

"Come, get in the car," I said curtly, unlocking the doors. "Let me take you home."

Jeia shook her head. "No, Mr. Singhania, I'll go by myself. It's okay."

I sighed, frustration mixing with concern. "I'm heading home too, so get in," I insisted, staring at her.

She hesitated, then finally walked over to the car, getting in beside me. As I started driving, I stole glances at her, wondering what had happened to the always bubbly girl who now sat silently, her eyes red and swollen.She was all silent, which was so unlike her. This girl loves yapping nonsense, filling any silence with her chatter, but now she didn't utter a single word.

The drive was filled with an awkward silence.When we reached home, she quickly opened the door and got out, muttering a quick "thank you" before hurrying away.

I watched her go, baffled, wondering what had happened.

I quickly shook off thoughts of her-it wasn't my business, and she didn't matter to me. Getting out of the car, I headed to my study to grab the papers I needed. As I walked inside, I saw her slip into her room, which was across from mine, and shut the door behind her.

To be continued

Poor jeia 🥲

Did aarav really did this ??

If yes then HOW COULD HE 🔪🔪

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My handle is @kwr.ites

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