Ch 6} First bite 🫦

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With an air of bravery, she stomped her feet and spoke."Fine, bring it on."

I held out my hand in the air, signaling for her to get me off the bed since I was still lying. She paused for a moment, giving it a deep thought before acting; her thoughts must be deeper than the Pacific Ocean because they were taking so long. I told her that time is ticking like a bomb, and I might change my mind at any moment.

" I hate physical contact."

I burst into laughter."Just pull my hand; what a pathetic excuse."

She shook her head.

She did sound quite serious. Her worries and anxiety seemed real, and it seemed like she was not offering any justifications. Then my thoughts went back to the moment I suddenly grabbed her hand at the station. I quickly withdrew my hand from her as she glared at me, as if she was about to murder me right there. Could that be the cause?

I yelled, "Okay, fine!" while rolling my eyes. After I stood up from my bed and sat on it, she took the plate off the table, and I took it away from her and tapped on the bed to signal that she should sit. She scowled and cast a suspicious glance at me. I give her a goofy smile, and she knows she has to compromise because I am stubborn as hell. Like a good little girl, she sat down. See, there is no end to my stubbornness.

I scraped off a small piece of paratha and shoved it into her mouth. Her eyes were full of a thousand questions, and she looked at me with surprise.

I spoke in a soft tone. "You have eaten nothing, so take the first bite. It does not matter to me whether you eat or not. But to your loved ones it matters a lot, so think about the people you love."

With conflicted eyes, she gazed at me. She opened her mouth to take the first bite, but I let out a painful cry the next moment because, goddammit, she had bit my finger for no apparent reason.

"The fuck, why did you bite me?"

" For trying to emotionally manipulate me into eating."

" That's not what I was trying to do."

"Oh! Now I see. That must be how you made girls fall in love with you. You already have an angelic face, and with your manipulation skills and sweet talk, no girl can get away from you. You are quite cunning, are you not?"

Isn't it strange? I only heard the phrase "angelic face" out of all the words she said. So she thinks I have an angelic face. An angel; a pure deity; a god's messenger. Suddenly, I remembered someone from the past who described me using the same word she did. It would be an understatement to say that I look something so beautiful and serene, like an angel.

Maybe she meant you look like a fallen angel.

Fallen angel? Lucifer? Satan? Asmodeus?

Fallen angel= Sexy man

A sudden surge of blood rushed into my cheeks. Blood started rushing to my cheeks and ears.

Her eyes widened as she looked at me.

"Your face is red; why? Did I bite you too hard?"

Indeed, she did bite me too deeply. Not my fingers, but something she is not supposed to know.

" Oh, Stop looking at me. You're making it worse."

"Are you feverish? Should I call Shobha?"

She rose and was about to leave. I am not sure what happened to me; it seemed like a sudden action that came from my subconscious will. And I did something that deeply irritated her.

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