Ch 9> Holding His Hand🫂

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Sapna's pov

Should I?


He was watching me closely, like a high school teacher, during my moments of hesitation. He tried to read the emotions written on the pages of my eyes, but I turned away to hide my eyes from his intense gaze.

" Sapna, it's our alright, our skin won't touch. This piece of cloth is separating us, sperating you and me."

I shook my head and said, "This won't do."

" How so?"

" I just know it. It won't work."

"You have not tried it yet."

" It won't work."

"Why are you so afraid of things not working out? If it did not work, simply pull your hand back. It never hurts to try new strategies. Until you give it a shot, you will never know. You want to try to get past it, right?"

After giving it some thought, I finally mustered the courage to raise my hand and reach for his stretched out hand hanging in midair. To normal people reaching out to others may less disturbing . To lovers, holding hands and Feeling the warmth of your partner's hand must be the most romantic feeling ever for lovers, even though it may seem insignificant to others. For rivals, reaching out to your enemy's hand may only hurt their egos. And for those who have crushes, this could be a dream come true.

But to people like me who hates skinship to death, it was the worst feeling, the worst circumstance. Because it shattered my entire body, mind, heart, and soul. I almost reached for his hand, but I held my breath tight, expecting a negative response. But as soon as I took his warm hand, I did not feel disgusted enough to turn away. The piece of cloth in between us did have a big impact. My eyes widened in surprise, and with good reason. And Advit smiled like the brightest child when he saw my positive reaction; he could not stop smiling.

Why was he so happy? I should be the happiest because I did not feel repulsed at all. But strange as it appears, he was happier than me. The golden hue in his eyes was glittering

"Do not worry, I will not let go of your hand. You can trust me on this journey."

He smiled at me. His smile would melt your heart if you could only see its brightness. His warmth and lightness are so contagious that you could get lost in them. Any girl would melt down if they were in my shoes. But me who is unable to feel the warmth of other's heart, it's such a pity. If I wasn't wounded by the past, will my heart get melted as well?

I don't know.

" Hold on tight, the path ahead of us is full of mud, rocks and hurdles."

I firmly grabbed his hand, and he provided me with the strong support I always needed.

" I told you that you will not know unless you try. See, you are not repulsed. Isn't that a good thing for both of us?

I raised an eyebrow at him and asked,
"How is that good for you?"

I understand that it is a good thing for me. But what benefit does it provide for him?

"Because, finally, I can hold your hand without making you feel disgusted."

Did I hurt his feelings by expressing my true emotions?

Was I being inconsiderate?

There were so many questions I wanted to ask him. But I put all of the questions aside for another day. The route ahead of us was challenging; there were mud patches, high and low points in the ground, and large boulders and small rocks scattered along some of the paths.

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