Reflections on a First Date

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This is a short story about people who have relationships through the internet.

It's a strange thing isnt it? How two people who have never met before can create feelings for each other without any physical contact at all. I guess love does move in mysterious ways. A lot have tried and failed in this type of relationship. 

These are some of the challenges that people face in an LDR:

- Increased financial burdens to maintain relationships

- Difficulty maintaining geographically close friendships while in long-distance romantic relationships

- Difficulty judging the state of a relationship from a distance

- High expectations by partners for the quality of limited face-to-face meetings in the relationship.

and of course lets not forget the ability to cheat right? So why do it? 

Mostly it is all based on trust and communication. 

This is based on my personal experiences :) I just changed some details to make it more of story than a memory. lol

-At the airport

There she stood, smiling across the asphalt parking lot. I knew who she was; I'd seen her pictures a thousand times. Not one could have done justice to what I now beheld. Oh, she is a beauty that's for sure, tall, blond, and feminine But the amazing part is the intensity and sensitivity simultaneously radiating from those pale blue eyes. 

She'd sworn she wouldn't hurt me,(made me believe it, and hasn't yet) and that at worst we'd be friends.

As I stood there quaking in my Converse shoes and clutching a cold bottled water, right up to me she so purposefully walked, looked directly into my astonished eyes, and put her arms around me (which I surely returned) and said, "Hello Rick." Then she kissed me, softly and quickly, full on the lips, right in the middle of that parking lot with fifty people around us, I could hear them whisper in the background. (Didn't stop me from kissing back) 

The moment we touched, it totally confirmed everything I'd perceived about Lourie, that she was really special. I didn't have an inkling how special until now.

Arm in arm we walked past the cars towards the nearby restaurant.

Dear God she felt so right, standing next to me, smiling, laughing, touching my arm and hand. I'll never forget the gaze she gave me with those pale blue eyes. 

Every time, her eyes looking directly into mine, it just occurred to me that this woman is hiding nothing from me, she's totally out there and comfortable with it. 

All of my fears instantly vanished, I felt like I had known her all my life. 

As we waited for our meal, I suddenly saw my best friends face in my head screaming, "You old goat, you'd better go slow or this woman will eat you alive" (Like I didn't know that, but us guys, even the smartest of us, get thick in the head sometimes when it comes to a beautiful woman). 

Tall stylish shoes, skin tight black leather pants, a black lacy top, long blond hair flowing down, and sparkling with tasteful jewelry. Her body was exquisite! Long lean legs that ended in a nicely rounded and proportioned caboose. A toned and muscular torso which I'd already had my arms around, and nice breasts, not too big and not too small and I felt their firmness when she had hugged me. And her perfume! Holy cow, I asked her what it was, and like the dummy I can be sometimes, still can't remember what she told me, it smelled so delightful it probably should have been named something like "justifiable rape." 

I took her hand in mine and saw the perfect French style nails. I noticed that she had small scars on both hands from a lifetime of her glass art. 

I also noticed that I wasn't the only guy at the restaurant with eyes for her. This didn't worry me a bit; I knew this one was mine, at least for the evening. (And if I could just let the real me shine through, perhaps for much longer). She is a "dance with the one that brung ya" type of woman. All day long! 

Sitting next to her and staring into her beautiful pale blue eyes I decided right then and there that I must have had a tragic car accident on the way to this place and I had died and gone to heaven. Even right now, I was somewhere in a crumpled jeep wrapped around an oak tree.

Funny, I don't remember the wreck? 

Despite all my previous fears, Lourie was the easiest person to talk to; she was open, honest, and truly genuine. Her demeanor set me perfectly at ease, and after 2 first date disasters in the past few months, this was as easy and comfortable as falling off a log. 

We talked for a while and I noticed that she had a dry and witty sense of humor that was just delightful. (This was something that I hadn't really experienced on the phone or IM, but it sure was nice) 

The more we talked, the easier the conversation came, it seems that we had slipped into a time warp that just excluded the rest of the bar and the world as well. 

For the life of me, I couldn't remember when I had an experience so warm and wonderful. 

The more we talked, the more we touched each other; it felt so natural and right. How could I feel like this so quickly? Why did it feel so damn right for us to sit next to each other and smile and laugh and stare into each others eyes? I think we both knew from the get go that this was just the beginning of something, well, wonderful. 

anyway..thats all for now..this is just a test of my writing skills (if I have any) lol

Thanks for reading <3 -m1gz-

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