day 2: take over.

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For what am I? That's the question I always ask myself. I am no more a man than you, but what if I'm not? What if I am some kind of monster who uses the skin of others for my own wants and wills? I shouldn't think about that though, should I? I should just listen to the only person I need to listen to right now.

After the drinks and food, we had started talking a walk through the park, looking around at the bright and beautiful scenery before us. It was somehow so unexpected of him to take me to a place like this. The big open fields with circling pathways and lots of activity. But I couldn't help and think that something about this was somewhat wrong. Such a random place to take someone on a first date, right?
He sat down on a nearby bench and patted the spot next to him.
H: Please, sit down, take in the views!
I looked at the spot and quickly sat down, still blushing from earlier.
H: You know, you haven't said much throughout this entire date... is there something you wish to say? Maybe some friendly chit-chat could help you get over your possible fear of speaking, no?
I hesitantly put my fingers together, thinking for a second.
Y: It's just... you said so much stuff about your past, why would you want to talk about it? Isn't the past supposed to be buried? Isn't it a bad thing to dig up such horrendous stuff?
He stayed quiet for a while before chuckling.
H: The past is a very sensitive thing. Dig too far and you might end up coming out crying your eyes out and looking like a soggy cat. But, dig just enough and you might find a special memory that you hold dear to yourself. Something to look back on from your past years in your journey called life. Isn't that what matters the most?
I sat there in silence. I suppose he makes a somewhat fair point, but if he knew my past, he might've thought differently...

Y: Do you ever feel the need for somebody else to take over your own body?
H: Hmm? What exactly do you mean by that?
Y: You know, do you just want somebody else to control you so that you can take a break or something like that? Maybe you just want to sit on the sidelines for the rest of your life as you watch someone else play it for you. Almost like a game?
H: ...that would sound like misery, Y/N. Are you okay? Did I vent to you too much?
Y: Nono, I'm okay.. I'm having thoughts right now is all. Just constantly overthinking about shit again.
H: Oh. Would you like a hug or something of the sort-
I took the opportunity and jumped into his arms, nuzzling my head up against his soft jacket, holding onto him tightly.
Y: Thank you...
H: You're welcome. Anytime you need somebody to hug, just come to me, alright?
Y: O-okay...

Honest lie x male reader: "Does it matter if it's fake?"Where stories live. Discover now