'Accidental' Confession

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(it has been a month since you've been distant from peter, while he was confused that why you're doing this, today is your 14th birthday and the avengers hosted a small party for you, in all thee days Natasha and Wanda already got to know about your feelings for Peter and planned something unexpected.)

Peter: I'll go get some cool-aid.          Bucky: thanks 

(Nat winks at Wanda, ready to execute Wanda, she winks back.)

Wanda: so Serah, you like Peter?   You: what? no

Thor: oh come on!    Nat: come on Serah, we won't tell him

You: okay fine, yes i like Peter.    (The avengers smile at each other.)

You: why are y'all smiling?    (you turned around only to see..PETER, your smile dropped.)

You: *nervous* um a-.. i- ..um.. i-i need to use the restroom (ran away)

(Peter follows you and when you come out of the Restroom, he pulls you into yours and his bedroom.)

You: p-peter   Peter: so you like me?   You:*looks away*   (peter pins you to the wall)

Peter: tell me Serah..   You: No i don't like you    Peter: then what was that what you said earlier? Why did you lie?

You: *teary eyes* i didn't want to admit it because you like someone else 

Peter: *soft voice*: who said that huh?   You: then why did you wanna go with Liz in the homecoming party so bad? 

Peter: *calm voice* because if  I didn't come to the party Flash would've made fun of me. I didn't ask anyone else as everyone decided their partners already. i don't like her... i love you

You: you do?    Peter: yes,do you?   You: I do *shy*   Peter: *smiles and stares at your lip* can i?

You: *nods and closes eyes, parting lips*    Peter: *closes eyes, leans in, and kisses you softly* 

You: *kisses him back*  (you both part way after some minutes, but you pull him again by his collar making him smile)

(you both finally pull away, breathing heavily, Peter hugs you, you smile and hug him back.)

You: let's go back now.   Peter: yeah let's go   

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