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[Y/n is an University student she has transferred with her family to a new place so the university is new for her and her brother Zoren too. Felix is a student of that University too. Zoren and Felix are childhood best freinds but Y/n and Felix were enemies.]

-at morning-

Y/n - she was eating her breakfast while scrolling on her phone

Mom - "Listen Zoren and Y/n tomorrow me and your dad are going for a trip.."

Zoren - he was eating and scrolling on his phone too as he replies "yea.. it's tomorrow not today"

Mom - sighs "you two have to help us to pack our stuffs after coming back from your University" smirks

Zoren and Y/n - keep their phones together on the table being shocked

Y/n - "WHAT? oh no! Not again! Mom! It's not even one month we have shifted in this new place and you guys are already gonna leaving us alone" she pouts

Zoren - makes a disgust face looking at Y/n as he whispers to her "don't pout.. you look like sh-t"

Y/n - glares at him

Zoren - clear his throat and says "Yes mom! Like tomorrow?"

Mom - "yes"

Dad - "why Zoren? You are grown enough to have a girlfriend so can't you take responsibility of this house"

Zoren - "i can but the problem is your little daughter"

Y/n - "Dad! See he is teasing me" pouts

Zoren - mimics her then eats his breakfast

Y/n - looks at him being sad and annoyed

Dad - giggles "eat fast.. you don't wanna be late right for the first day of your university?"

[Y/n and Zoren soon finish eating as they went to university by Zoren's car. Soon they reach in Uni as they were waiting for their class teachers to instruct them. Y/n's and Zoren's department was different so their classes were different too soon they went to their respective classes with their class teachers]

Class teacher - enters the class "Good Morning students... today we have a new member.. here.. come on introduce yourself"

Y/n - looks at everyone as she was giving her introduction  "hello! I am Y/n and I am from-" she stops speaking as her eyes lays on Felix as she gets shocked

Felix - he was already looking at her with a smirk

Class teacher - "what happened Y/n?"

Y/n - looks at the teacher "well.. ma'am by any chance can i change my classroom?"

Class teacher - "sorry Y/n i cannot do that..."

Y/n - sighs

[Everyone in the class were confused]

Class teacher  - "okay anyways" she looks at two places "okay.. so Felix's seat is empty and Eric's seat is empty.. well Felix don't allow anyone to sit with him so you can sit with Eric"

Felix - "no, it's alright she can sit with me"

Everyone  - in the class room were shocked hearing that as Felix is the most attractive student in the University with charming and helpful personality but he likes to stay alone and he usually don't allow anyone to sit beside him though he can act like a bully sometimes if someone doesn't listens to him. Girls in that University have a big crush on him but he never accepts any girl

Y/n - giggles nervously  "I think i would like to sit beside Eric..." she walks towards Eric's seat

Felix - gets up "sit here!" He orders her

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