really fake?

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Y/n - "no" sighs

Felix - nods and keeps his head down again on the desk

[Soon it was dispersal time and Zoren went to Felix's house tonight to just chill as they have met after so long time. Y/n came back home]

Mom - "Come Y/n.. you have to help me now to pack the bags"

Y/n - "ahh! Let me rest for sometime"

Mom - "no... you have to help me now" glares at her

Y/n - "okay okay" she keeps her bag on the floor and starts helping her mom as she looks around "where is Zoren?"

Mom - "oh? You don't know? He will stay with Felix for tonight.. you have seen Felix right? Zoren said he is your classmate?"

Y/n "what?" Gets shocked then gets annoyed "he left me alone to pack your bags! I will ki-l him"

Mom - "helping your mom is punishment for you huh?" Gets angry

Y/n - "no no sorry" she giggles nervously and keep helping her mom

[After one hour they finish packing as now Y/n was in her room doing her other assignments as after sometime she had dinner with her parents and then went to sleep]

-next day-

[Y/n's parents already went for the trip and it was Sunday so it was holiday as Y/n wakes up late and get freshen up as she she had her breakfast]

Y/n - she was finding something to watch in tv being bored but suddenly she hears Zoren's voice as she instantly comes out and kicks his leg "You stupid little thing! Why did you left me alone? Yesterday"

Zoren - "ouch! Ahh! Obviously to help mom" sighs "Felix came with me too hehe! And i got to know about you fake relationship" gets in and goes to his room

Y/n - gets shocked and looks at Felix

Felix - smirks "Good Morning"

Y/n - "it was a secret isn't it?"

Felix - "he is my best friend so i had to tell"

Y/n - whines "now he will tease me"

Felix - giggles "well then good luck" he follows Zoren

Y/n - "ah! Shi-" she gets in and looks at them in Zoren's room where both of them were laying on the bed being lazy

Zoren - "let's play video games" says while looking at Felix

Felix - "nice idea" he gets up and sits properly on the bed  "Come Y/n"

Y/n - "nah! I am not gonna play with you guys"

Zoren - "so what you will do? It's so broing already"

Y/n - sighs "make sense.. i have nothing to do.. fine then" she sits beside Zoren

[Soon they starts playing video games while teasing each other and laughing]

-after sometime-

Zoren - "Stop guys! I am already bored now! I will bring some snacks wait" he stops the game and gets up then leaves the room

Y/n - sighs and lays on the bed

Felix - looks at her  "you are so boring"

Y/n - "you too"

Felix - hits a pillow on Y/n's face "no i am not"

Y/n - she sits on the bed "you lit-"

Felix - hits her again with the pillow

Y/n - grabs a pillow quickly and hits him with it too

Felix - "you are so weak! You are really a small little bird" says while hitting her with pillow and giggling

Y/n - "shut up! You chicken!" Giggles

Felix - yells "I am not a chicken" hits her hard with the pillow

Y/n - gets unbalanced on the bed and grabs Felix's shoulder to take support but eventually falls on the bed as Felix gets on top of her as they both gets shocked but couldn't resist to make eyes contact

Felix - keep looking at her eyes as he was loving this feeling. He slowly brings his face close to Y/n's face

Y/n - gulps still being shocked but couldn't resist him as she can feel their lips were just a bit away from each other as she doesn't moves and stayed still

Zoren - enters the room "Guys so-" he pause looking at them as Felix and Y/n both gets up being nervous and tensed as they sit away from each other while blushing a bit with red cheeks "you guys are really in fake- relationship right?"

Y/n - gulps "yes! Obvi- Obviously"

Zoren - "then, what was that?"

Felix - "it was just an accident while we were having a pillow fight" sighs "Y/n why you are so week? You literally got unbalanced" he yells at her

Y/n - "you are the weakest! I tried to get support from you but you fell with me" she yells back and cross her arms

Felix - "No- it was so sudden tha-" Zoren intrrupts

Zoren - "stop fighting you both!"

Felix and Y/n - both of them pouts and looks away "Hump!"

Zoren - sighs and place the snacks on the bed "come have some snacks and let's watch movie"

Y/n - "SNACKS!" Gets happy and eats some

Felix - admires her with a slight smile on his lips

Zoren - notice that as he clears his throat to get Felix's attention

Felix - gets back to his sense and starts eating the snacks too by sitting beside Y/n as she was holding the bowl of the cookies

Zoren - gets suspicious on Felix as he plays a movie and sits on the other side of Y/n

[They all were watching the movie but soon the all fell sleepy as Zoren and Felix keeps their head on Y/n's shoulder and Falls asleep as Y/n keeps her head on Zoren's head and fell asleep too]

-after sometime-

Y/n - wakes up and sees that Felix is holding her close to him by her waist as Zoren was sleeping on other end of the bed. She looks at Felix who was sleeping peacefully as she smiles slightly looking at his cuteness wanting to squeeze and cuddle him up

Felix - suddenly pulls her more close to him and snuggles near her neck while still sleeping

Y/n - gets shocked and nervouse as she doesn't want to wake him up cause he was looking so peaceful. She keep looking at him and let him sleep

-after few minutes-

Y/n - still she was looking at him while smiling slightly being totally in love. His freckles were looking very beautiful and very attractive as she was noticing every details of his face

Felix - wakes up slowly and instantly realise how close he was to Y/n as he lift his head up and looks at Y/n suddenly

Y/n - gets shocked but still looks at his eyes

Felix - looks at her eyes too as he maintains the eye contact and he talks slowly with his rough and husky voice "Do you think this connection we both are feeling for each other is really fake?"

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