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Y/n - she blinks nervously

Zoren - turns around while still sleeping

Y/n - gets scared and kicks Felix as he falls down from the bed

Felix - "ouch-" he gets up from the floor

Y/n - helps him to get up while looking at him and laughing and trying to not make noise

Felix - sighs being annoyed "seriously?"

Y/n - she stops laughing slowly and says "it is, let's keep it fake"

Felix - he gets a bit upset hearing that then nods "well.." he sits beside her and looks at her "I want to know that why i can't be your real boyfriend?"

Y/n - looks at him being surprised by his question "why are you even asking that?"

Felix - shrugs "just curious"

Y/n - she looks down while thinking " are perfect"

Felix - smiles being happy "so-?"

Y/n - "but- you are scared of your own feelings that you have to fake it" she looks at him

Felix - his eyes widden being surprised as he chuckles and looks down "well... i guess... you are right.. i am afraid of your feelings.. if you get hurt if i take a wrong step and the friendship we have also get messed up.."

Y/n - sighs

Felix - "I think i am not the only one who is hiding their feelings..right?" looks at her

Y/n - she stays silent for sometime "i guess my reason is same as your reason"

Felix - "oh.. well.. then..." Zoren wakes up

Zoren - wakes up "what you guys are talking about?" He says while stretching his hands being still sleepy

Y/n - gets tensed

Felix - "just about our future plans"

Zoren - giggles and sits on the bed " Y/n has future plans? Like i can understand about you Felix but Y/n?" Laughs

Y/n - "dumba-s" pouts and gets up as she walks towards the bathroom

Zoren - he was still laughing

Felix - "oii! Stop! Don't teasing her too much" he was serious in this situation as he really wants Y/n now cause he got to know her true feelings

Zoren  - gets shocked "what happened to you bro? I was just joking"

Felix - sighs "nothing... I am going home" he gets up and leaves

Zoren - "huh? Wait" but Felix was already gone as he was confused

Y/n - comes out from the bathroom and looks around "where is he?"

Zoren - "gone..."

Y/n - "huh?" Suddenly her phone gets a notification as she takes out her phone from her pocket and checks it as it was Felix's text
[Text : meet me near the park at 7 o clock evening]
She reads it and sighs then keeps her phone in her pocket and lays on the bed

Zoren - "um.. i am going to take a bath"

Y/n - "go go" she gets in the blanket and looks at Zoren going in the bathroom as she sighs and looks at the ceiling thinking about the conversation with Felix

-aft evening-

Y/n - she went to the park and it was snowing

Felix - came there and stands beside her "beautiful isn't it?"

Y/n - smiles and looks at him "yes"

Felix - "well.... would you like some coffee?"

Y/n - nods "sure"

Felix - "wait" he walks towards the shop

Y/n - nods as she sits on a bench over there

Fellix - came with two coffees and gives her one then sits beside her

Y/n - takes a sip on the coffee "umm feels good"

Felix - smiles and looks at the snow fall

Y/n - looks at the snow falls too "it's weird... like its so much cold but still we are feeling good outside"

Felix - chuckles "yea... maybe this is the meaning of  doing anything for your love..even this cold climate feels warm" he says while looking at the snow

Y/n - blushes and sips on her coffee "whom do you love the most?"

Felix - "myself" he looks at her and smiles

Y/n - looks at him and blinks then smiles being happy "well.. that's  a nice answer"

Felix  - "but unfortunately i can't able to keep my self happy or take care of myself you like to help me?"

Y/n - giggles  "how do you think i can make you happy?"

Felix - "by loving me?"

Y/n - her eyes gets widden being shocked

Felix - "i know i am selfish but i a want you to love me.. to take care of me and i am ready to do the same for you forever"

Y/n - blushes then sips on her coffee " if it's  a prank already!"

Felix - gets close to her suddenly and kiszes her lips

Y/n - gets surprised and nervouse

Felix - pulls away "i really love you Y/n"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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