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It was a perfect morning, and Kylie Brooks was in the perfect place. It was spring break and she had absolutely begged her parents to let her go to L.A with her friend's family, and her parents said 'yes'. She didn't even have to actually beg, her parents knew Terra (her friend) and her family rather well, and anyways they were always away on business trips here and there, hardly had a second to spare for her. Kylie was excited, and not like normally excited but like so excited that it couldn't be put into words.  She was sitting on the airplane smiling like a chipmunk who had just had 7 cups of coffee.

"Kylie calm down we're just on a plane, how can someone possibly be this happy?" Terra opened one bored eye and stared up at her bubbly friend with a hint of annoyance. 

"I hardly EVER go out of Boston Ter." 

" I swear if you don't stop smiling all creepy like that you'll SURELY be thrown out of the plane."

Kylie laughed, and then squealed as she heard the flight attendant announce they had reached LAX. Terra giggled and they walked out of the plane, Terra's mom, dad, and twin brothers walked out behind them. They walked up into the terminal and then went to go receive their bags. Kylie walked out of the airport and stared up at the sun with a huge smile, and Terra pushed her sun glasses down from her hair onto her face. They looked at each other and smiled, and then started walking towards the rental car Terra's dad had gotten and drove to their hotel. Once they got there they dropped their bags and ran out of the hotel to walk around the amazing city of L.A.

They walked in and out of stores, tried on outfits, drank slurpees, and had the best day Kylie could've imagined. 

"I have this feeling Kyle that something really good is gonna happen soon..." Terra said as they sat on a wooden bench drinking their third or fourth slurpees. 

"You and your weird magic Ter, i swear."

"It's not MAGIC Kyle its.... intuition." Terra smiled as she found the word she was looking for.

"Big words Ter, big words." Kylie smirked and Terra lightly punched her shoulder.

The two girls got up and threw their empty Slurpee cups in the trash. They continued to walk the streets of L.A, until they heard the high pitched screaming and squealing of teenage girls surrounding a certain figure. Kylie scoffed and Terra ran up to see who it was, dragging Kylie along.

"Kylie," Terra whispered.

"What?" Kylie also whispered not knowing why she was.

"It's Harry Styles!"


"Kylie you know i like them, so quit the act."

"But-" Kylie couldn't finish her sentence as she became airborne due to a push from a large figure, and then she landed hard on the sidewalk.

"Sorry." Said a husky voice with an accent, sounding as if he hardly cared.

Kylie looked up into a pair of greenish-blue eyes, she knew very well who this was, but Kylie wasn't the type of girl to change no matter who she was in the presence of.

"Sorry doesn't fix my bleeding arm!" Kylie said, clearly angry.

Harry stumbled back, a little surprised, most girls don't talk to him like that. Actually he's never met a girl that had ever talked to him like that. Many girls would die to meet him, he's the world's most wanted boy.

"Well you could've looked to see where you were going," he retaliated.

"Well maybe if you deflated your huge ego you would notice there are OTHER PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET." 

"I'm working, you're," His eyes diverted to the phone on the sidewalk, "texting, unless speed-tweeting has a new level of difficulty." (Credit to ABC Family's MIOBI for that amazing comeback).

"You are such an ass Styles."

This little incident led to a full out argument. Terra watched with her face as pale as a ghost and jaw dropped, her best friend had just so insulted and enraged her so called 'future husband'. Kylie huffed and picked up her things from the ground and then began to walk away.

"Brooks," Harry said making her turn around, "I'll drive you to a hospital."

"Thanks, but I don't need a ride, and especially not from you." Kylie said flatly.

Harry was still shocked, even after arguing with the girl for 10 minutes, he was still not used to getting treated this way by girls. Girls loved Harry Styles. Girls would faint if he offered them a ride.

“Kylie you can’t walk to the hospital, and your arm is twitching.” Terra put her hand on Kylie’s shoulder.

And then they did that weird telepathy thing that best friends do, and Kylie huffed, opened the passenger door of the black SUV and slammed it shut.

“She’s a feisty one, isn’t she?” Harry asked Terra, but Terra didn’t respond and just smiled really big in a creepy way, something she learned from Kylie, she was about to sit in Harry Styles’ car!

Terra talked non-stop to Harry on the entire ride there. Kylie just glared at him. He responded to Terra, laughed, and was surprisingly not acting like the arrogant ass he was. He turned his head and his blue-green eyes met her brown ones. She felt the blood rush to her face and even though she was tan, Kylie knew she blushed very deeply.

“Eyes on the road Styles.” Kylie wanted it to sound confident, but it came out rushed and weak.

Harry smirked and then continued to drive along the road, until they reached the hospital. Things remained surprisingly calm, until the doctor said that she had broken her arm.


“It was NOT my fault!”

“Yes it was.”

“No it wasn’t”

“Yes IT WAS!”


Terra looked on at the two start fighting again, then turned her head to see a terrified doctor in the corner of the room.

“C’mon Kylie time to go.” Terra said grabbing Kylie’s elbow and dragging her out of the building and towards their hotel.

-A few hours later-

Kylie sat on her bed in their room. She had been ranting about how much she hates Harry Styles and Terra nodded, not paying much attention.

“Kylie shut up for a sec kay?” Terra said, now slightly annoyed.

Kylie humphed, and reached into her tote to retrieve her phone. She took out a little cellular device. She stared at it with her mouth wide open.

“Well shit!”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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