Surprise (Minshua)

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A short Mingyu×Joshua dynamic because they are cute af


'God, another hefty day, Why did grandpa sell his mansion in 1867, i would be the owner with tons in my bank by now, enjoying life but no, here i am with minor spondylitis HELL I HATE IT!!!' Joshua opened the door of his small banglow. Working as a data analyst is tough, continuously facing screen and hands smashing the keyboard 24/7.

'Ahhh my shoulders' Joshua enters his room while exercising his shoulder, heading straight to attached bathroom. "I need a steamy hot shower right now...OMG my face!" Joshua shouts looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, his eyes are red with dark curves under his eyes, his face looks tired, exhausted and rough from dust. He scanned his face in the mirror with downward smile.

"No way! My ass has became so flat sitting on that office chair." Joshua examining his butt in the mirror while self taking. 'I can't with all this', he went inside the shower. Hot water pouring down his body relaxes him, he put his hand on the side wall, closing his eyes feeling the steam and water running down his body.

After a while, Joshua came out of restroom with a towel around his waist. He traveled his hand through his wet hair, water beads dripping down his face. He was just about to start his skincare routine, suddenly his tab standing on his dressing table started buzzing for video call. He eyes sparkled seeing the caller ID 'Mingoo🐶'.

He hurriedly picked it up, "Hey baby..." Joshua said sweetly smiling towards the person on the screen. "Woooaahhh, your tiddies look amazing!" Mingyu replied eyes hawking the chest. "Wow, what about hello, hi??" Joshua replied looking deadpanned at the screen. "Sorry sweetie couldn't hold myself, never thought i'd be blessed to see some nice chest" mingyu replied laughing slyly.

Joshua rolled his eyes, still smiling putting on lotion on his face. "How was work baby?" Mingyu asked. "Don't even get me started, my back hurts, my shoulders are almost dislocated, my face looks like i have just came from a battlefield ufff...." joshua blabbered. Mingyu just fondly sat admiring his pretty husband, oh how he loves when his baby just rant to him about his day though he pays little to no attention, couldn't take his eyes from his hubby body on full display. "....AND you know what??? Even my ass has became so flat sitting on that shitty chair."

"Oh yeah? Lemme see." Mingyu asked . Joshua turned his side, showing his butt covered with towel. "I can't see. Mind removing that towel for me?" Mingyu asked with a smirk. Joshua eyes widen, he stand with his hand on waist with a disgusted look on his, "Yea i do mind Major Kim Mingyu and keep these mind games of yours in your battlefield those doesn't work here."

"Oh ok Mr.pseudo intellectualist" Mingyu said laughing. "Yah Kim Mingyu!!" Joshua pouted but also started laughing. "When are you coming back i can't live alone anymore" joshua pouted with a face masks on his face. "Stop that you look scary." Joshua just gave a side-eye sassily sipping his diet coke. Mingyu fondly laughed, "Just 1 more week baby then i'm done you know how this mission is important for me."

Joshua nodded yes, his husband work in army and his mission are important for him. His work is far more difficult and stressful than Joshua. Mingyu mostly stay out cause of his higher rank he leads many important missions. Hence, it sometimes become months they don't see each other physically. Sometimes Joshua feel so proud of his husband serving the nation and protecting it from evil trespassing. Here he is frustrated and tired with just looking at the screen and smashing some keys on keyboard and there his husband working continuously with no break, plans, operations with no time to even sit but stills take his time out to call Joshua atleast once a day. He is so happy to get such lovely and caring husband.

However, it also saddens him that they get such less time to spend with each other. It been like months they haven't even went for walk together. But he needs to be supportive for Mingyu thats the least he can do for him to keep him stress free from any relationship problems.

"Hey Shua" Joshua comes out from his train of thoughts. "You okay?" Mingyu asked concerned. "Yea mingoo, i miss you so much." Joshua said coming close to the camera to blow a kiss. Mingyu smiles fondly returning the kiss, "Just 9 more days baby, yeah? Then i'll get 3 weeks rest before another mission, we'll spend the time together cuddling and doing activities you want us to do together, how that sounds to you?" " Incredible!" Joshua grinned with excitement doing a silly dance.

Mingyu couldn't help but laugh loudly at how cute his husband is. "Okay sweetie, i gotta go my break is almost over." Joshua pouted, "Alright.." " "Don't pout baby I'll call you tomorrow okay? Bye Good night my little worm." Mingyu said smiling. "Worm??!" Joshua said shocked. Mingyu couldn't help but laugh loudly looking at Joshua's expression.

"Okay bye Mingoo take care." "Yes sweetie." The call hang up Joshua sat there for a couple of minute staring at the phone screen, thoughts empty. He really is missing Mingyu, a couple of tears flow down his face remembering the sweet memories they spent together. Joshua got up collecting himself, he can't be weak like this atleast for Mingyu.

Joshua looks up to the wall clock, 11:45 it's still early to go to bed since tommorow is Saturday, he can continue the series he was watching to kill some time. He went down the living room with bag of chips.

** Notification** Joshua jolts up 'Oh shit...I need to change my notification sound' its just Instagram telling him that one of his follower shared a new reel. Joshua sighed, he looks at the time, 3:30, the series was still going on 'When did i fall asleep?' stressing himself he got up to fall asleep in his room.

Again the big bed that makes him lonely, he misses his husband warmth beside him so much. Joshua sighed, he threw himself on the bed and closed his eyes.

Joshua wakes up feeling a weird wet sensation on his left cheek, still half asleep he moves his hand towards it. Its smooth, soft and it got a nose, and lips, got nose and lips?! Joshua jolts up he look to his side, Mingyu??? "What the heck??" Joshua screamed, he couldn't believe his eyes, Its really him, its him Mingyu his husband, but what is he doing here? Joshua couldn't decide what is he feeling right shock? confusion? happy? surprised?

Mingyu smiled and hugged Joshua "Surprise~ baby" said giggling. Joshua was still processing the whole matter, both of them had brief eye contact and then Joshua threw himself on Mingyu, hugging him tightly as if he will flee away. "Omgg i missed so muchh!!!" smooching Mingyu all over his. "You are here finally!!" Joshua practically exult, "Yes baby I'm finally here." putting his nose in Joshua's neck breathing in his scent.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Joshua asked punching Mingyu's chest lightly. "wanted to see your reaction and it was worth it" said Mingyu putting his head on Joshua's lap. Joshua caressed his hair gently massaging the temple. "But what about the mission it was ending after 1 more week right?" "Nahhh it actually ended two days before expected, Our team did an exceptional job locating and annihilating the threatening launchpads and now we are given rest for almost a month now."

Mingyu turned his head towards Joshua's belly and nuzzled his nose making Joshua laugh. "So now my dear husband we can spend all the time together however you want." Joshua smiled fondly, "I'm so proud of you," and shared a lovely kiss, after one and a half month he got to feel those lips, he inside blossomed with love, affection and fondness.

"I'm so happy you are finally here with me, you don't know how i spend these days without you." Mingyu again initiated a kiss, "Yes baby i know it was difficult for me too however now we are here together, we'll cherish every moment, yeah?" He kissed Joshua's forehead.

"You ate something?" Joshua asked. "Umm nope i was feeling so giddy and excited for the surprise that i didn't feel like." Joshua glared at Mingyu, while he was just sheepishly smiling and rubbing is neck. "How many times i told you not to skip meal, Kim Mingyu! Look at the time its 4:30 am now what should i make for you?! You should have told me earlier i would have prepared a meal for you. You are so careless sometimes."

'Again the ranting' Mingyu smiled how he missed this beautiful creature blabbering absolute nonsense. He pulled Joshua's arm and pinned him on the bed, "Why make a meal? When you are right here?" he smirked. "M-mingyu no!" Joshua face now red with blush.

"Thank you for the meal."
"Yah!!! Kim Mingyu!! Atleast shower first you stinky cow!!!"


Hello pretty peoples, hope you enjoyed this short fluff story.

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